Bowie made some good songs but

With that said I’m not going to begin to even try to understand Roger Water’s disturbing opinions on truly awful current events…

I don’t think anyone has ever been in any doubt that Roger Waters is a Jeb end.


Yeah, he is off the rails

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An odd thread!

Not excusing him here but didn’t most of the controversial Bowie comments come before he hit 30? I can’t speak for everyone but I’m still doing stupid fucking shit at 40 - I’m regularly a shambles on a night out hence why I don’t go out much. Can only imagine the scenes I’d be causing if I was into Bolivian marching powder. In any case, at the very least, he demonstrated multiple times a very, very different outlook on the world as he entered the 80’s and became modern, aware, prescient, whatever you want to call it.

I have much more time for someone like Bowie who evolved with the times than someone like Eric Clapton, who still remains a fucking idiot, or Morrissey, who is one of rocks biggest fuckwits. In some ways you could argue that Bowie escaped “Little England” while others blanketed themselves with the nonsense.

Anyway, I’ll just end things by saying that I still believe Station to Station to be his best album and an all time classic. Felt the need to state that.


Ok, thanks for letting me know. I have an abrasive personality as well but since it comes from a place of self loathing it’s a bit like double sided sandpaper with the fine grit on the outside and the worse bits on the inside.

I think we can all agree that he took it all too far. But boy, could he play guitar.

(Actually: not really.)


I’m unclear on what his contribution to music was, exactly.

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Cake, mostly

If only Eno would wear a Warhol style wig on occasion if just for added ambiance…

I am by no means Bowies biggest fan , but the guy wrote some f…king blinders.
One of his worst albums is his highest selling that being Lets dance.
I saw Moonage daydream twice in 1 week and say it is visually stunning. Did I learn more about him after seeing it, No. Would i buy the dvd and soundtrack Yes.
Now if they can do a similar film on the Bee Gees , I would probably go see that F…ker too but once would be enough.

Heh I thought this was going to be “Bowie made some good songs but holy shit, there are so many more bad ones and holy shit, they are SO BAD!”

Anyway, I love LOVE a small fraction of his output. The rest is hilariously bad!


This person’s rendition of the music video was absolutely hilarious! I think a friend of mine posted it on fb when I first saw it, it had me rolling.

I can’t really say much about Bowie that could be relevant, as I don’t know a whole lot about it and given I really loved Jim Henson’s The Labyrinth (when I was a kid), and I don’t really enjoy musicals…so given I liked some of those songs, and enjoyed Bowie in that role and as Nikola Tesla in the Prestige. The film he did where he was an alien bringing technology to society was pretty weird.

I really didn’t get into much of his actual music. I mean I like “Let’s Dance” and a few others, but I really couldn’t get into his catalog when I tried once on spotify having a subscription for a while. I think he has an interesting sounding voice as a singer though.

-“Such a pity.”


Give side 1 of Low a listen before you give up on him. It is perfection.


But… what about side 2? Isn’t Jah Wobble on a ciuple trqcks?

I don’t care for side 2, and I don’t think Jah Wobble had anything to do with it.

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No Jah Wobble on that album FWIW

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it’s not even remotely close that he is some kind of one good song artist or something, maybe he didn’t pioneer the kind of chicklet colored patch cables used in whomever is the most innovative electronic avant-garde’s modular set up and make just the most radical patch you ever heard in your freakin life but he’s had enough good traditional songs to last anybody’s music career more than two times over

I’ll be honest though, I don’t even understand how most people listen to music anymore, I rarely even hear anybody talk about a song in the same breath that they are talking about being innovative or whatever the F it is they’re talking about… if you could put a cv input in bowies ass he’d probably be everyone’s favorite


his knives are better.

Bad dad joke. I’ll see myself out.


I’m just not sure my enjoyment of his music is the style or tracks people on here will be like most impressed by. But even now I enjoy the Labyrinth soundtrack. And since I’m not familiar with his full range or catalogue that I’m really anyone who should be saying anything about Bowie. I’ll definitely check out Low.


Weird. I woke up with a desire for Bowie tunes this morning, and its really cheered me up.

Under Pressure is such a tune. There is absolutely NO WAY for something as massive as Queen and Bowie to exist these days. I’m not of that generation or anything - I’m 39 and very much not a nostalgia based music person… I’m always seeking out new music and chasing new highs. I just don’t believe that kind of originality and hugeness of character and talent in pop music really exists anymore sadly.