Brand new to Digitone. How to change reverb for single trig

Hi there,

Brand new to the Elektron ecosystem. I’ve watched countless videos where in step editing mode they hold down the note to change reverb or delay for the single trig. However when I do the same none of the parameters change.

Can someone explain what I’m doing wrong?

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Hi, welcome aboard.

What you can do is lock a value per step for delay send or reverb send (the amount of sound you send to the FX).
Holding the trig, turning a knob, done.

What you can’t do, is have different values per step for e.g. reverb time or delay feedback. Not on the DN (Digitone).

You can only p-lock the reverb send, not the reverb parameters.

For that feature you need an Analog Four

Or a midi cable…


True! But that’s getting past the OP’s learning curve at this point. Although never too early to know the options.

Make sure you are in grid recording mode to parameter lock FX sends, as well.


I can see that I can do it for the sends. Totally not what I saw other people doing as I was learning.

Thanks for the answers!

What is this video you’re talking about?

I wasn’t following correctly. It was Cuckoo’s video Digitone Mega Tutorial - YouTube. I didn’t realize he went back to the FX send when he was parameter locking.
My mistake; hard to keep up sometimes. Thanks again for the replies!

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No problem.
As I said, with a midi cable plugged from out to in you would be able to control the FX from a MIDI track…

But you might have other things to learn first :wink:
Still, it’s there, somewhere on the forum, if you fancy looking for it. Or in the manual, if you’re comfortable enough with midi.

Appreciate the support in learning. Thank you!