Breakbeat tune with Digitakt and SammichSID

I was aiming for the sound of the golden age of Breakbeats in the mid 00s. Don’t know if I nailed it but I’m really happy with how it turned out! :relaxed:


top I love it. Remind me golden era :fire:
What sounds come from the sammichSID ?

Ey thx! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
U can hear it quietly in the intro as chiptune -y bleeps and also as a bass layer at around the 1 and 3 minute marks.

SammichSID produces beautiful wide bass sounds that have a very particular character, really love it :slight_smile:

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Love it! You 'Nauts make some wicked toons! Thank you.

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Hey thanks, I think I’m starting to get the hang of it :innocent: