Buchla = Best stand/case for 2 Elektrons?

feels very good, but I think I will make a box around it. Makes it more save for travelling, I can put my cables in it, and I can put my elektron stuff on top of the box when playing live

when using this stand, I want my equipment to stand higher, because of the angle of the top machine (in my case the A4).

De Wouzer:

Is it ergonomic? isnā€™t it awkward to use the track button or side button on the units?

Yeah its not really safe for travel. I just use cheap guitar pedal case for one machine and put the second one in the backpack. Put case underneath both machines while assembled, works great as a stand.

@klerc didnā€™t have issues with that. Used MD with MnM and OT in various combinations. Recent one was OT and Rytm and that makes nice pair too :alien:

i was afraid for thatā€¦ but itā€™s no problem at all. the wood can be less high, if you want to. if you close the wooden frame, the knobs donā€™t touch because they fit next to each other.

These black Buchla / Radek style cases look very sharp.

The angle on the top instrument looks more relaxed than the EIT-1, and I like that.

Iā€™m wanting to work more with my AR+A4 in tandem, as a single instrument. This layout would help.

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Thatā€™s the one that I originally spotted. Seems cheaper too.
Not sure if it is still under productionā€¦

I wasnā€™t familiar with the Nest product. Really love the Bluelounge solutions.
The solution i settled on was a combination of 3 pairs of Bluelounge Coolfeet + a Rain Design mStand. This works great for 3 Elektrons.

The Coolfeet are portable for gigs, only using the larger pairs in the rear. The smaller pairs I use for my Nord Drum and FaderMaster. Only using the mStand in the studio, so the fact that it cannot fold up is of no importance to me. Itā€™s also been mentioned that with some of the higher tilting stands, Elektrons become a bit front heavy. I noticed this with the mStand, especially after using Coolfeet to tilt it the instrument forward even more. So Iā€™ve got a small weight on the base of the mStand for stability.

It was very difficult to find a stand for the top Elektron that didnā€™t require screwing on end cheeks, but also gave great viewing angle and ergonomics, and yet also allowed enough clearance for the cables to pass under from the bottom instruments. The mStand turned out to be the perfect solution.

What I love is the viewing angle and arm reach of all 3 Elektrons, even with a small apple keyboard in front of everything. If I ever add a 4th Elektron, Iā€™ll definitely add a 2nd mStand.


this seems like a good setup, as iā€™ve been researchin a comfortable way to use three elektrons while sitting down ā€¦all three side to side is not working at all for obvious reasons : ) ā€¦ if you are still using this setup, is there any chance you could post a pic from a profile perspective ? canā€™t really get a good impression of what the angles areā€¦

also, about the kool feet, I looked them up and they are pricey ā€¦ do you think they are worth buying, versus, say, sourcing some random pieces of rubber to sit under the boxes ? ā€¦ also, the cool feet use adhesive stickers - yes ? if so, are you using yours ? it looks like they might have a suction cup action tooā€¦which iā€™d prefer, as i wouldnā€™t be keen on permanently sticking them ā€¦

I know this is an old post, so no worries if you are no longer interested in the topic.


ps, if anyone else wants to comment on good ways to use three elektrons while sitting downā€¦let me know ā€¦ Iā€™ve seen three tier solutions but the top tier seems way too highā€¦ the two tier cases on display on this thread, some seem nice, and iā€™ll check them out. eit-1 is discontinuedā€¦

Any new solutions for setting up 2 Elektrons a la eit ?

Looking around for a way to save some space on my desk.

Static, or folding?
For static, lots of possibilities already out there.

For those needing more portability, I have a couple of things coming together, including a side folding frame I am prototyping at the moment.

Here is the rear folding Dual Elektron Folding Trestle ā€¦ unsanded & unvarnished in this picā€¦

Some work still to do re: sanding/latches/heat branding & finishing options (varnishes/spray or hand painted) but will have some sets of the above available in the near future for anyone interested.

Nice work ozone!
I was checking out modular case designs and saw the UNO case from Frap tools would be amazing if a design came out for elektron dark trinity.


Cheers Richie.
The frap UNO looks as bling as you could ask for.
The issue with the Elektrons is the space required behind the machines for cabling while the unit is opened, meaning ending up with something more bulky than expected when going for a 3x folding option. Still, its no doubt entirely possible.

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Whoa. Ozone, those cases are awesome. Are you selling them? How much? Iā€™d def. be interested.

Ta Ocobus, & Slicetwo, they definitely will be available for purchase.
Around $140usd or soā€¦ which will include locking latch, & possibly a small embedded rare earth magnet on top for attaching a goose lamp. Just unsure about magnets near elektrons so need to chat with hq regarding.

Awesome. Def. worth it, just not sure if Iā€™ll be able to actually afford it. haha. Keep us in the loop, though! I may just have to sell some stuff :slight_smile: