Bug in M:C grid recording mode?

This seems to happen randomly: sometimes pressing a step to remove the trig doesn’t work. I have to press it many times (5-10).

The physical buttons work fine, the unit is new. I think is a software problem …or some feature I am not aware of?


Video: Model:Cycles-bug.mov - Google Drive

Quick press to delete, longer press to edit.

Yes I know that. But those quick presses occasionally don’t work.

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Sorry, should have watched the video, those certainly look like quick presses.

Yes, mine does that to a certain extent at times. I have to remember to hit the trigs faster and with more pressure. It doesn’t bother me too much, because overall it’s a fantastic device. But when I use a Digi box I really feel the improvement in the quality of the buttons.

But in my case it is not dependent on pressure or timing: when inserting the trigs it never misses one; when deleting trigs it may exhibit this issue with a 1-2% probability, I haven’t figured out how to reproduce this consistently, but I’m pretty sure it is a software bug.

If I manage to find the steps to reproduce the issue 100% of the times, I could report this to Elektron team and they will probably fix this very promptly.

But discovering the steps involves a lot of useless fiddling, which has to be done in front of a camera to eventually backtrack and figure out the sequence of steps… very annoying.

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Same problem here!
I just started a new pattern, entered a few trigs for Track 1, then couldn’t delete them (short hits). Had to press like 5-10 times until it worked. Same with other tracks. I changed the pattern, same problem. I unplugged MIDI and USB, same. Then turned it off & on again - problem gone.

It was behaving erratic right before that: I started a new project, added some triggers for T1 in grid mode. First they wouldn’t play; I realized the trigs were set to Cond=FILL (which I never entered). And pressing FILL wouldn’t play them either.
Don’t know if this is related or I messed something up, but Fferris and my deleting problem seems like a bug. I had just installed the latest firmware before that happened.

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Hi, I think I might’ve experienced this before.

I don’t know if there’s ever been a fix, it doesn’t happen often but is very annoying!

File a ticket, I’ll try to do so the next time it pops up :slight_smile:

Yeah, quite frustrating.

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Next time it happens, sure.
Glad it wasn’t just stupid me :slight_smile:

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I recall it being more common in earlier OS versions, at least? Seems a much rare-r condition I find myself in.

I’m on the latest firmware. And last night it happened quite often. Really annoying.

I just tried again. It seems to be project-depending. In the two different projects of mine, during playback I can set & delete trigs without problems - until about 30secs in, then I can’t/hardly delete them anymore. When I stop the playback, the issue stays. I tried turning it on & off - same. Changed patterns (same), then project - still the same. Then I loaded the Stock project - and everything is fine. Going back to mine, the problem starts again.

I uploaded several preset packs which I’m using in these projects. And I might have changed some settings. I know these are stored per project, but I can’t find anything that might explain it. Most changes are in the MIDI settings - Sync Clk ON, all Tracks to OFF; FX, AUT & PCH to channel 7.
MIDI is unplugged for error checking; it occurs with or without the plugged MIDI cable.

No idea… I’ll try Elektron support now.

Thanx for caring :heartbeat:


Yes, the more attention the likelier we at least get a maintenance release.


Best would be to have more videos of the issue.

Simply set up a camera/smartphone to film a M:C session from power-up to the moment the issue shows up, hoping that is is possible to spot the cause (e.g. do X, then do Y, then the issue shows up).

Then either one of us or Elektron tech. support could have a look at these.

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So is the issue linked to having the M:C receive the external MIDI sync?
I thought so, from my tests, although difficult to say, since I don’t have a “recipe” to reproduce the issue.

Just a quick update: my problem is definitely project-related and only happens when I use presets from a preset pack. I went through all the free available ones and saved them in my own Favorites directory, so I can’t tell which pack is causing the issues.

I asked Elektron support; they asked me to send the project, so I did. They never got back to me and it’s been 10 weeks now. A month ago, I asked again via email; no response. I was hoping for a better customer service…this sucks.

One (really annoying) workaround is to press the trig quickly multiple times (5-10) until it’s deleted. I usually miss it (turning it on again), but after two more presses, it’ll delete again. So it’s like x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-O-x-O, always.

It has nothing to do with MIDI, it’s happening with or without being connected.


Yeah, and then save and reboot.

Hrm, I don’t even think I use a preset pack but I have used Tensor in some of the projects.