[BUG] Need your help please. Losing stereo signal from OB into LIVE

I have a stereo signal coming into my AK EXT input, into OverBridge, and then into Ableton LIVE. The signal appears to maintain the stereo image in the Overbridge Control Panel (meters jumping independently), but once the signal reaches LIVE it has both Left and Right channels as identical so it sounds mono, even though it is set as a stereo channel. I’ve been banging my head over this but cannot figure out what is happening nor how to fix it. All firmware is updated, OB is the latest version. Admittedly I am a noob to LIVE, so perhaps I am just missing something simple in there. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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After exhaustive testing, and trouble shooting all the angles with help from Daniel Troberg, he concluded that this is a bug. The stereo signal comes into the KEYS fine, and can be monitored through the Headphone out and the main Outs still as stereo, and OB Control Panel shows stereo activity on the channels. However, once the KEYS EXT audio channel is loaded in LIVE, the Right disappears and is replaced with a duplicate of the Left, creating a fully centered/mono sound.

If any of you could test this on your systems to confirm the behavior it would be helpful.

KEYS 1.23C / MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012) / OverBridge 1.10.1 / OS X 10.11.6 / LIVE 9.6

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