Bug sequencing chord machine with the digitakt (Shape cc arrives with delay)

I’m trying to sequence the Cycles with my Digitakt but the step with the lowest CC17 value always glitches and it changes the shape with delay. Example: C5 minor chord on first step (sending CC 17 with a value of 3) and C5 major chord on step 9 (sending CC 17 with a value of 4). When playing it the first step will play a major and change to a minor mid sound and step number nine will sound fine.

I have similar behaviour when sending a lot of automations with my Remote or even without remote.
M:C changes into zombie-mode and does crazy stuff. I’m not sure if its OS-related or if the Hardware is lagging because of slow interpretation of incoming CC’s. It is like the Midi-Buffer is overloading and spilling Controls in slow-motion. The M:C is then non responsive somehow.

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