Bug when streaming MIDI from Ableton Live to Digitone. Stops after a few minutes

I’m having an issue with my Digitone. I have a MIDI clip in Ableton which I’m sending to my Digitone.

It will work fine for a minute or so, then the Digitone will just stop playing audio from the MIDI clip. I can see the MIDI information is still being sent. If I play on the Digitone, it will make a sound.

Turning the Digitone off and on will fix the issue, though only for a few more minutes.

Anyone have this issue or know what I should try?

Hi, are you using Overbridge ? Are you sending midi thru the vst or thru midi usb ?

Yes, Overbridge and the Digitone VST.

I’m running some experiments to see if there’s something in common when it stops.

Can you show the clip view with midi routing on ableton ?
And are you using the Digitone also as a soundcard ?

The MIDI from the clip in Ableton is initially sending to the DN and working great. It’s only after continuing to play with it, there seems to be something that stops the DN from receiving the MIDI information. You can still see in Ableton that the MIDI clip is playing.

I was wondering if there something else getting sent that’s causing an issue.

It’s an M1 Apple Macbook if that’s an issue too. Not using it as the soundcard.

You seem to be following all recommandations… What are the midi sync parameters on ableton (midi devices) and on the DN ? Is the DN receiving midi from another device (USB or midi cable) ?

:slight_smile: speedy edit there.

I’ll do more experiments to see if it’s Push 2 that’s conflicting and check the midi sync parameters in the morning.

Yes lol just forgot you were not on windows

But you are not alone, a few other members have issues with the DN (but rather as a soundcard or while sending midi usb data while Overbridge enabled)

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Also try replacing the “all in” to “no input” from your ableton midi tracks inputs