Buttons not working SPS-1

Hey Guys,

Just had a weird issue with my SPS-1.

When I load a kit and run through the sounds about 6 of the buttons don’t play back any sound. I’ve tried editing the kit and changing the sound source for the buttons that aren’t working but it still won’t play a sound when i tap or sequence the sound.

When it is in sequencer mode the buttons still respond OK when sequencing other sounds.

Any thoughts?

are the buttons assigned to individual outputs? … button multi trig, hence when you press button 1, then button 2 automatically fires as well, but when button 2 is pressed nothing happens, because button 2 is set to only act when button 1 is pressed

no, but thanks for the response.

I have this same problem. 1st trigger button makes no sound, despite having tried to edit which machine is on the track, etc… Any thoughts?