
Wow. Thanks for all you’ve done. I’m eager to learn what is coming next from you.

That’s for keepin’ it real, Ess. The Digitone is a classic. Looking forward to seeing and hearing what you have coming out.

Your impact at Elektron will be missed, but I am super excited for what is next! Good luck!

Feels like a punch in the stomach, I’m worried for Elektron…

I wish you the best for your projects, hope you’ll connect to the right people to lead them to a success!
Can’t wait to see what you do next.
I do love DN (my favorite synth) and Cycles… Thank you for having made FM easy!


“Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end”

Pay no mind to the name of the song that’s from


hmm… Safari can’t load the page to join the fors newsletter

Works for me on mobile Safari


Nice one Ess!

There’s absolutely no doubt that you’ve helped the community here have the confidence that Elektron does listen to us.

Best luck for the future.

well, that solved that!

I tried with the mobile Brave browser first and the fors page won’t format to the screen.

…only commenting these comments for’s awareness…

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Best of luck with your next journey! I’ve really enjoyed reading your input and contributions around this forum. I’ve got a Digitone and Cycles which are incredible and will undoubtedly become modern classics as others here have said. Take care and enjoy Berlin

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I will sorely miss working with you… There has been so many moments to remember and cherish. From that hotel night during ADE with that piece of shit to getting bummed at superbooth17. All the best for your next journey, its going to be great!!
I love you dude!


Now we need to know the details haha :wink:

Best of luck for your future endeavours.

Best of luck and a biggggg Thank you!!!

Best wishes in this new chapter of your journey! I look forward to seeing your new project!

Best of luck @Ess.
Will be following closely.
Have been holding back on getting a digitone for a while now, but an esoteric synthesizer with a “crystalline sound” might be too much for me to resist.

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Wish you all the best! :dizzy:

Please tell me elektron will commission you to do the pixel icons for their machines in the future @Ess


Good luck, I’ll miss you over here!

Last feature request: can we please have this image to pop randomly when booting the Digitone, as a proper homage?