
That was a lot of fun. :heart:


sooooo…where can we acquire some of those SICK t-shirts!



Good luck in this new project Simon! All the best.

anyone else sitting in their email for hours refreshing the page for the hopes of the fors newsletter?!?!


The first sounds!


Wavetable Synth? yeahhhh

Sounds a bit like Serum to me. Love it!

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Is it hardware or software?

my guess is SHARFTWARE


Best of luck to you, Simon. I have yet to pick up any of the Elektron instruments you were so intimately involved with, but the Digitone remains on my shortlist of future purchases largely because of your vision and posts and demos.

Through your efforts, you are also personally responsible for introducing me to SND’s music, which I (no pun intended) fell for immediately … so you join a select group of people I will remember forever for permanently and pleasantly expanding my sonic world.

Looking forward to whatever you do next. And enjoy Berlin, a rare urban area that strikes me as being nearly paradise.


BTW it sounds really good, and as soon as it’s hardware, and as soon as it’s unprocessed sound… ummm … : )

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Brightness being a parameter and what it did to the sound makes me think additive synthesis, but he was working on that single cycle wave generator, so could be wavetable. Maybe both and more :dizzy_face: MnM spiritual successor confirmed?!? :cowboy_hat_face:


Ohhhhh virus like almost supersaw waves…

This sound awsome

Would be surprising if software.
Hopefully a box with knobs.


I would say it is a prototype designed with Max/MSP


Wow, I’ve tried writing a reply here a few times now but… It’s very overwhelming! Thank you all for the kind words and support, it really means a lot to me. This time at Elektron has really been special, and that extends far out from the office to all over the world- from connecting to people at tradeshows to chatting to you here.

Fors is something Felisha and I decided on starting after I resigned, it’s not the reason why and there was no issue because of it. We’ve been collaborating on ideas throughout this year being apart, making instruments and little tools has been a way for us to stay connected and some of these will be released for public consumption. Now felt like a perfect time to focus on it, and hopefully it will help us pay the bills too. :slight_smile:

Oh and it’s certainly not not a prototype.


We need a separate thread for all of the Fors.FM goodness coming up. I can’t wait to see what comes from the collaboration with Felisha. All the best with it!


what did the trippy guy say that got him a free shirt?!

@ 23:00