Bypassing DT's MIDI filter

Hey folks! I’m looking for a way to bypass DT’s MIDI filter. As it is right now, MIDI routing goes keystep -> DT -> DN. This is the usual setup, where auto channel allows you to play the DN tracks on the keystep. Unfortunately, that setup filters out anything that is not a note. So no pitchbend, modwheel and aftertouch.

I’m wondering if that’s something I could solve with a MIDI merger. The most obvious option:

DT -> Merger
Keystep -> Merger
Merger -> DN

There I can play sequence the DN with the DT, and play the DN with the keystep at the same time. But then I loose the ability to punch in sequences in the DT from the keystep. So I thought of this:

Keystep -> DT IN
DT OUT -> Merger
DT THRU -> Merger
Merger -> DN

That way I get to use the keystep to punch sequences in the DT while also being able to play the DN directly. I guess I just have to be careful about the MIDI channels config on the DT so playing the keystep won’t double up the notes sent to the DN.

Does it sound good to you? Or am I missing a big roadblock?

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Your second option will work precisely how you want it to!

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Yes, the second option will work as intended. I have the same routing with a linnstrument instead of a keystep.
It would be great if the DT would just merge its midi output with whatever is incoming, or just pass everything through. It can’t get any more “first world problem” than this, but I have to admit that I really don’t like to have a midi merger dangling around the desk only for this functionality. :see_no_evil:


OK that’s good to know! I guess I’ll get a MIDI merger then. As for native passthrough, one day, hopefully?