C6 anomalies and backing up your work


For years I have been backing up my MD.
Never have had to send a previous state of banks/kits etc to the machine, only samples.

Activating turbo mode has never really worked so i never bothered. My understanding is it only made the procedure quicker.
Once finishing the upload to c6 I have always received a c6.list file and backed it up.

Tonight I did a send from MD to back up some important work. Pressed turbo and it didn’t work. I received another c6.list file with approx 400000 bytes.

Tried again to get turbo mode happening and it worked. This time approx 700000 bytes and a different file type (sysex) with a different visual image for the file.

Seems the c6.list file is missing vital information and probably won’t load the MD to it’s former state if needed.

Can anyone confirm this?

As an aside.

If ever there is a MD MKiii (which I doubt) a CF card type setup or something similar is a must! Sysex is such a drag…

I’m having major troubles backing up my stuff too with C6. Just tried a couple of times now to backup all the kits in my A4, every single one returned as a “Broken Global”. Same thing happened with my MD a few days back.

The C6 application badly needs an overhaul.

Trying it now with MIDIOx.

How to receive the MIDI dump in MIDIOX:
First, install MIDI-OX and make sure that you have the appropriate MIDI connection between the unit and your PC. To save the SysEx dump on your PC, please do the following:
[li]Launch MIDI-OX[/li]
[li]Choose View / Sysex[/li]
[li]In the Sysex window, choose Sysex > Receive manual dump[/li]
[li]When the dump is completed, choose Display Window > Save as…[/li]
How to send the data back to your unit:
[li]Launch MIDI-OX[/li]
[li]In the Sysex window, choose Command > Window > Load File and navigate the location where you stored the file.[/li]
[li]Choose Command Window > Send Sysex[/li]

MIDIOx just stops receiving the Sysex at some point, it seems, so no luck.

Ugh, C6 strikes again.

I can’t say that I’ve had the exact same problem that you’re having, but I often get incomplete transfers when I try to backup my sysex. The only way I can tell is by actually going into the MD and checking to see if the files/data actually transferred. It is very unreliable.

TURBO mode is quite a bit faster for sample transfers. You need to have both MIDI IN and OUT cables connected, TURBO button pressed on the box and in the software.

Elektron, are you hearing to any of this? Not only do we hate C6, it just does not work!

Yeah, it’s a shame. In the newest manual for the latest release of C6 there isn’t even a mention of it working with the A4.
I’ve tried literally everything over the past hour. Doing the whole plugin regime in the correct order, sending via USB and MIDI (I can only get sending by MIDI to work, even though C6 and Win 7 recognizes the A4 as a MIDI-IN/OUT device, nothing is received by C6), but always end up with everything marked as Broken Globals. Even when I tried sending one kit or one sound at a time, they came up as broken.
So, backing up your A4 isn’t an easy task, it seems!

Having the same issue while attempting to back up my A4. Tried to dump the Whole Project to C6 and I get broken Globals, whether it is Patterns, sounds or kits. Differs each time.