C6 dont work

Hi,if i open c6 in my imac why i dont find in the config midi in and out my analog keys? I cant send any new sound.

Could you tell us the following:

  • which operating system you are running on your computer?
  • which version of C6 are you using?
  • are you connecting Analog Keys directly to your computer port or via a hub or interface?
  • which version OS you are running on your AK?
  • what MIDI / USB settings do you have in the AK?
  • what actions are you taking when you’re trying to use C6?

I think I’ve solved it. Now the question is: once the sounds are loaded in Drive sound. Where should I go to listen to them?

Manual, page 26. I encourage you to read the whole thing carefully and take some notes, it’s an Elektron machine, avoid the frustration and RTFM :slight_smile:

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thank Diego,are you italian?

I am not but I love Italian culture & people :thup:

If you feel overwhelmed by the technical information in the manual, one good trick that worked for me was to take it slow. I know it sounds stupid, but taking the time to think about how to integrate the functionality you just read about into what you already know about the machine’s workflow allows you to really integrate it in your « mental toolbox », making it reusable knowledge.
Only by reading the manual can one really unlock the full potential of the Elektron machines, I still sometimes think of new tricks while re-reading a section.

in fact it’s what I’m doing :slight_smile: but sometimes I find it incomprehensible the same. Thanks for the help!


I feel the same as you do, Mozo. I feel that most manuals these days could be written much better.


Given the obvious complexity of the machines themselves, I found Elektron staff did a rather good job at dispensing the knowledge while inviting the user to explore functionalities.
The way I see it, it’s the machines that are mind blowingly complex so the manual is bound to be so as well in a way. That’s why I said I still often find new ideas on how to use the instrument while re-reading the manual, I’m sure I understood the information the first time I read it, but I could only see how to use it when having a workflow rolling.
Then again, the Merlin’s guide for the Octatrack was created for a reason, there was a need for something more accessible, since the original manual is like the OT itself, a deep rabbit hole of sampling wizardry. It was user made, so maybe the Quickstart PDF made by Elektron could resemble that a bit more, could be good, idk… I liked when they used to do the tutorial videos, they were so cool !
But hey, I’ve owned Elektron machines since the first MD, so maybe I’m just used to it now :yum:
Don’t hesitate to ask anything on this forum if you don’t find an answer in another thread, there are some magicians here who can teach you how to make your synth fly ! :bird:

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I’m still a neebie, so I’m still figuring things out. I have watched some videos that have helped a bit; users on this forum have helped even more. :sunglasses:


10 posts were split to a new topic: External signal into Analog Keys/Four?