C6 Sysex manager alternative?


The manual refers to C6. This program is hard to find. When I finally found it, it turns out to be incompatible with my computer.

Great so I tried the Transfer app, but it is only letting me drop sysex to the Digitone.

I would like to backup all the sound banks on the Digitone to my computer. How do I do this? And how do I manage the +Drive on the computer? (if that is possible)

I just installed Overbridge and I assumed I could easily manage all of my sounds, as it is sort of stated on the Elektron website. But I can only manage the sound pool I think.

Ok so I found Sysex Librarian

… which is receiving all of the presets. Though, when I drop them back into the Transfer app, only like 85% of the presets are carried over. Digitone receives 233 of 256 presets. Eventhough the Sysex file has 256

So anyway, it’s not working

I’m pretty sure that sysex librarian allows you to slow down the transfer by introducing pauses between messages. Check the preferences in case the problem is that it’s delivering to the DN too fast.

I’m delivering with the Transfer app

Oops … I misread … apologies … don’t know what’s happening there then.

They both deliver 233 out of 256 presets

I got Sysex Librarian working after switching USB MIDI to just USB on the Digitone.
When using the Transfer app, however, still some presets don’t transfer to the Digitone. Like five’ish presets are missing.
This is getting on my nerves.
What will happen if I send a new OS with Transfer.app? Will I end up with a brick?
I have been troubleshooting this machine since yesterday afternoon for various computer communication shenanigans. Good thing it sounds beautiful, because dear God :face_with_thermometer: What a sh*tshow

I’ve never had any issues with Sysex Librarian once I’d slowed the transfer rate down. C6 on the other hand…I never had much joy with it. I still use SL when the need arises.

Transfer works fine for me if it’s the only usb device (mouse and keyboard aside) plugged in to my Mac. I do remember having issues when I first used it. Narrowed down to iffy usb leads and the one device thing. I’ve never used SL for OS updates on Elektron stuff but I have for older gear.