C6 - Turbo Mode

Just a question for everyone: has C6’s turbo mode ever worked for you guys? It’s never worked for me on any version (currently using 1.4F). As soon as I active turbo mode it freezes up the whole process and I have to start over.

The few times I have used it it always works… Remember you have to use both Tx and Rx cables for it to work…

doesn’t it just use midi cables?

If you connect midi in and midi out from your MD to the TM-1 it should work in turbo mode.

I’ve never had a problem with turbo mode. Connect both midi cables (in & out) to the Tm-1, hit the little black button on the TM-1 and make sure the turbo light is on. If your still having issues, it may be an incompatibility with the OS on the computer. Than again, highly doubt this, as the C6 software is quite old, and I’m running on a much older version of OSX, and it works fine. I’ve uploaded some relatively heavy wav files onto the MDUW, and the turbo mode made the upload much faster than when I used just a single midi cable from the out of the TM-1 into the in of the MDUW.

I certainly forgot to add the midi IN this time… I wonder if I did the other times! thanks guys!

Can someone explain in details how to set all gear ( tm1 box , cables used, machinedrum settings ) for the turbo midi to work ?
I was never able to works this TM1 fine !
thank you