C6 vs Turbomidi

Hi all.

In C6 if I try to select the turbo option the checkbox doesn’t stay selected.
When I click on it the Turbo led and the Out led flashes in sequence (first out then turbo).
When I press the Turbo button on the TM-1 the Turbo led flashes and doesn’t stay lit.
What is wrong?

Many thanks.

Kind regards.


Do you have both MIDI in and out cables connected?

make sure you have both midi in and out connected at both ends and that turbo mode is enabled on the receiving device.

I went through this too. MUST have MIDI In/Out both connected. Push the TURBO button on the TM-1, and in C6 app.

Terrible manual instructions. The TM-1 connection diagrams in the manual (pages 64 and 67) shows the interface being connected with only ONE midi cable, and says nothing about connecting both In/Out. Whoops!

Come on Elektron. Hire some real writers, and then test the manual with someone who doesn’t already know the machine. It’s that easy!

Hi guys!
Oh thanks!
I read the manual and yes…I used one midi cable only :slight_smile:
I try with both midi in and out connected.


Gius TRX