Cables *


I bought a Machinedrum UW two days ago ( the regular one, no +drive) so my question will probably sound stupid… :D. Anyway, i would like to know wich cables i am supposed to use for the audio. I have an apogee One audio interface ( so only one jack audio in) and a mackie 1402-VLZ pro ! i want to use the R/L section of the MD. Pardon my english
Best from France

Any decent 1/4" instrument cable will be good, I think.


A double mono toward the Mackie ?

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Prety much whatever you can fit into the hole will work.

That’s what she said!

Sorry, you made me do it. I’m not proud of it. But I can’t let that one just sit out there.


in my case a Y cable/insert cable is the best choice. 2x unbalanced on 1x Balanced. i’ve plugged my devices directly into the two stereo ins of my soundcard.

i think elektron devices have unbalanced outs, so any 1/4" cable will work, as stated above. you won’t have stereo effects though. you’ll need a different interface for that

So i have to use a different audio interface … :s i thought i could have the stereo effects via the mackie mixer

you need this if you dont have it yet…

plus something like

Your question is a little ambiguous. What do you want to connect your MD to?

If you want to connect the MD to the Mackie, just use two ordinary jack cables to connect the MD’s main outputs to a stereo channel on the Mackie mixer.


I have actually those two buddies but the sound remains without stereo effects on Ableton :confused:

I just want to get the stereo effect on Ableton :). I thought i couldnt get it on the Apogee one so i precised that i also have the mackie… in case if it can bring a solution to the problem

ah I see the apogee has issue with only two single channel inputs.
One cable has to go to microphone, othe cable can go into 1/8" input, then match/lower impedance in mic input. Not ideal but thats all you can do with that soundcard.

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Yes i am getting sound but only in mono. The pan from the MD doesnt work

The best solution i to buy another
soundcard then haha

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probably a good idea to upgrade, though you will get stereo if you have an additional trs to female xlr right now but might loose some sound quality on the mic channel

yes… i was pretty sure that it could work with a double mono jack/ stereo Jack directly into the inst input …:confused:

nahh dont be sad for too long… you have a machinedrum :smiley:

but pls check this link i found in 30 secs on google…

good luck.

Thank you for youre time anyway. I know that my english is bad :slight_smile:i
I realy appreciate


Same trouble guys!

Have this setup, but can’t make PAN really work as it should! When PAN knob on the left side, left channel sounds just okay as it should, but when on the right side, the signal drops.

I think I’d have to find this moment in a manual. Is it really should work like that? O_o