Can anybody retrieve the old DDR sample pack?

An awesome three sample packs for MD named DDR (I,II,III) were up for download a couple of years ago. Does anybody still have those to share, please?

my memory’s not the greatest, but i’m drawing a blank. what does DDR stand for? were they made available by elektron hq or by a forum member/third party? what kind of sounds did they include generally?

Seconded. Was this the one that was for sale at Loopmasters or something? Think there was also a limited edition for sale one for OT called Driven Machine Drums but that is the only D one I can recall.

Dance Dance Revolution, a mind numblingly awesome and transcendental collection of samples that will really make your MachineDrum come alive and get people to dance to the rythm perfectly. Or make you dance on your MachineDrum to get a high score. One of the two. I forget which one now.


I think it stood for Deutsche Demokratische Republik. It was a minimal sound pack, with long sustain, squeelky sounds, not quite a generic ‘dance’ type.

I would love to see a Dance Dance Revolution one :slight_smile: but I guess it might be Driven Machine Drums because the author has made several editions (DMD, DMD Strikes Back, and so on). The author’s name is entrainer as I recall and he is/was a frequent poster on GearSlutz. The OP might want to try contacting him there if DMD is what he is after.

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Driven Machine Dreams is available for a fair price at . I have it and I am very happy with it.

DDR = Deutsche Demokratische Republik

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So you think you like DDR? Not as much as this guy :slight_smile: Introducing DDRDIY