Can Elektron please start selling MachineDrums again?

I always found the MnM to be hard work. A lot of tweaking and iterations to get it to sound «right» (to my ears). I don’t usually prefer instant gratification synths, but the MnM really was at the other end of the spectrum for me.

Fabulous interface and user-friendliness though - one of the best ever imo, along with the MD.


The chorus and Plate reverb on OT are the same as the Chorus and Reverb on MnM and they are :chefs kiss: on percussive sounds.


Yeah, inter track routing is great. On a performance level, I feel scenes/macros are meant to do that?

Sidechaining on the A4 Mk2 works using the control in as mod source, can be triggered from the A4´s cv track. On the OT you can use an lfo to duck sounds, that works the best imho. OT´s midi lfos can even work for ducking, but that depends on how the receiving device handles that.

while we´re here with a lot of veterans… can someone explain to me how the AMP envelope work on the Monomachine… decay and hold seem to go together somewhat and i find it pretty annoying that max hold does not hold the amp open till infinity… you basically have to max hold, decay and release to get infinite, but then it wont shut the amp after key release… one of few annoyances on MnM for me.

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Yeah, I honestly don’t really like the envelopes in the MNM or OT all that much. Especially since what you play into the sequencer while live recording is not what comes out. The syntakt envelopes are fantastic though, being able to switch between adsr and ahd is nice.

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not +drive related.

MCLs grid is a innovative approach for access to each banks pattern row, so effectively a 128x128 grid. There is also a Y grid with midi tracks and other stuff doubling potential.

Each track has it’s own slot with machine and sequence data and these can be loaded independently, so for example you can be rocking a pattern and have drums on tracks 1-8. You can select alternative drum tracks 1-8 with different machines from any other pattern and load these live playing alongside the original rows tracks 9-16. Then when ready reload the other row to drop in the next 9-16.

You can also QUE load individual slots in any order for dynamic improvised sequencing and set individual slots length and loop amount!

As well as song development and structuring i see it a cool way to DJ within the box, dropping different parts of patterns over each other to create more of a flowing live performance.

It’s an excellent innovation, and i don’t see that potential in the recent boxes.


Looks like a couple hours after writing this, Sample Rate Reduction on all tracks came to the DT. Really hoping to see SRR and BRR on Rytm and everything on Syntakt.


More machines !


save on loot by saving on button caps? :upside_down_face:

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Yeah basically, as someone who whines all the time about current Elektron really all I want is a machine with kits and all the performance BS the analogs have, a nice bunch of selectable effects like the OT/MnM, plenty of lfos and modulation, some neat routing stuff, and cool engines. I don’t need the MnM/MD specifically, it’s just that nothing else in the Elektron lineup scratches that itch BESIDES the OT, and I’m more of a synth person than a sample person. The OT is still my fav by far in the lineup though. It’s not that I think the syntakt sucks, it’s just that it feels like a massive tease when there’s such a glaring gap in their lineup.

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Talking about Func and Extended button caps ?
I sold them 100€ each to fund my MD. :pl:

It is an MKII panel so, and unfortunately there is a little shift for these.

If someone knows where I can find MD button caps, eventually 3D file…I’d modify them (I don’t want to modify the panel or the original caps I have).

If Elektron were the new Roland, they’d spend the next two decades doing D-Beam-ridden grooveboxes, rack units and miniature “Boutiques” with varying degrees of accuracy in sampling/emulating/reimplementing the old devices while stressing with every press release they were all about looking towards the future.


Haha yes good one, except I think Roland has somehow figured out that no one wants the D-beam. Rack units would be better than the boutiques if you ask me.

But at the same time, I feel like Elektron hasnt really been listening to the customers in a long time, and are more focused on profit rather than creating something that really stands out. I know that they still need to make money, I get it. But where is the spirit of the old machines?

I agree that there is a quite big gap in their line-up.
For me things went sour when the MKII machines were released, too big, too clunky like a 808 or 909. Why make it bigger when overbridge is a thing?
On the front panel, from the edge of the enclosure there is a big gap to the encoders and buttons, what is the reasoning behind this?
Dont tell me that a OLED could not be fitted into a MK1, because that is possible and there is enough space.

In an attempt to make the UI more friendly/easy for beginners, the advanced users are left behind and some people are still looking at the old machines.
I am also guessing that some sort of new development software was made in order to make code for these machines easier. In the meantime, Elektron boxes sounds like every other company, and seems to be inspired by ableton live at least the digital ones.

I know it’s not easy to resurrect a classic, and maybe that is not the best idea either, but a small team that could work on porting the MD machines/engine to the Syntakt would really increase the sale and make old users happy.

However I think that a new totally digital instrument would be a good idea, something in the formfactor of the first machines, there is no denying that THIS IS the ideal formfactor. Something that really stands out and surprises us.

The only instruments I can see are in the same ballpark as the MD, is Nord Drum and the original LXR.

I might sound old and grumpy, really I am just missing the days were I would get blown away

Sorry for the rant :slight_smile:

Sorry, I’m not understanding.

Is the implication that Elektron are the new Roland because they’re not rehashing their legacy products?


Not everybody uses overbridge. The extra buttons and separate audio outputs and A4’s separate CV outs are all pretty useful. I prefer the mkii layout (and the look, but that’s less important for me)


No I am saying Roland because they too dont listen and wont release what the customers want. A sound engine that can blow the MnM and Machinedrum away or at least be as flexible. I dont use overbridge either but the possibility is there and heck a small USB external box could be made with all these outputs no? CV outputs, what? There is space in the MK1 for separate CV outputs and the MK1 has CV outs. I dont appreciate the big design, its ugy like Rolands TR8, next step will be adding hulk green buttons :face_vomiting: I like the industrial design, I dont even want the faceplate painted, it will get scratches all over and the paint flaking off.

Might not be completely to scale, but this is what I dont like.
How am I supposed to fit several machines in my studio if they all grow to this clunky size? Just make some kind of sound hub that all overbridge machines can connect to.

No, I mean a box that can handle the data stream from several units to a DAC.

Anyway, I think Elektron should just fix the OT, give it some updates.

And get going with the Machinedrum MK3. Bring back a member from the old team to work out the basics of the new machine, hell even hire in Justin that doesn the X. Firmwares for the MD.

We need visionaries and not Ableton copycats, bring back the magic

So you want Elektron to employ visionaries to clone old machines/code?


No I want something new that is as visionary as the first machines.

Something that sounds special, for example a phase distortion machine, like FM machines. Maybe a Sunsyn machine on steroids, a physical moddeling machine.
I want to design my own sounds with more options available. But yes, some of the original MD machines would be great too.

This is not about re-releasing the original machine, but rather taking it to a new level. You could call it “whaleorgasmer UW” I dont really care, it’s not about the name, it’s about getting a new machine that is groundbreaking.

I want to have the good old midi CC before note data that the new machines cant do.

Something that has always been lacking are real polyphonic tracks, we had chords forever, it could be something as simple as the way Polyend has implemented it.

I want slides, LFO’s routing between tracks, I want the modularity and the sound to be freaking awesome, an experimental machine, not Ableton in a box.

Are you asking because you are perfectly happy with the new products?
If so, then maybe this thread is not for you?

So you’re not asking for a new machinedrum?

Maybe this thread is not for you.