Can Elektron please start selling MachineDrums again?

I like the baseball bat grip. Seems the most solid with the most control :joy:

There is wavetable too

I really hope that’s not the case. Model:Cycles is nice in its own way, but I feel it’s not as deep as the MD in terms of drum synthesis, and would love for Elektron to make a flagship digital drum machine in the future (something like the MD with updated sequencer and UI). Of course they could make one that’s completely new and nothing like an MD which would also be cool!


While I’m still hoping for a big box delux digital groovebox from Elektron at some point in the next few years, I’m almost certainly gonna snag a M:C. The Cycles brings a hugely important upgrade to their machine concept in that you can now p-lock the machine type per step on the same track. That improvement will almost certainly be carried over into their next flagship box, so the cycles is an important development for Elektron even if you only want their big boxes


On that point. How is the silver sound pack? Hmming and hahing on buying it and putting it on my Rtymn mk2

It was ok, but I wasn’t blown away by it if I’m honest. I wish I had saved the $5 (I got it when it was on sale around the holidays).

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You raise a good point:

Are there any good, hefty MM/MD sample packs out there? Id be interested for my various samplers…

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To be clear, I don’t think it’s a matter of that sample pack being bad, there were some great sounds on it, it’s more that using samples of the MD sort of defeats the purpose and doesn’t really carry over to a sampler . Without the movement and parameter locks changing things up and the weird lo-fi sampling it does, it doesn’t really feel the same.


Lol. Is that a sheet of Lucy?

enlighten me :slight_smile:

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In the sky with diamonds?


Hmmm. Who knows.
Nice idea

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Certainly looks like it :v:t3:

That is exactly what I was thinking


Still have my MD for almost 15 years, and I still love this thing like the first months I got it.
So yes please Elektron, do something.

I can’t imagine making music without my MD :sweat_smile:

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Let’s see if the same thing happens as with roland. People wanting it and wanting, the behringer comes about.



I read your first sentence thinking you were going to say do a Roland by creating a little boutique MD. That’d be quite cool actually!

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Would kill for MD or MM reissues with modern Elektron sequencer … or … VST’s


Sonicharge Microtonic with a decent midi sequencer plugin?