Can Elektron please start selling MachineDrums again?

I just got Drumcomputer on the iPad, and pairing that with the DT or OT for MIDI control and sequencing made me stop missing the MD synthesis (I sold it cause I didn’t use it enough and the $$ was too good to pass up).

I sold my broken MD just before the prices went mad now it’s a struggle to get even the first model which is what I learnt on. Would love them to make a new one just so I could get it from a proper shop on credit with some comeback if it went wrong


For me, the Digitakt and Model:Cycles are a great replacement for the MD. They also address some of the shortcomings that bothered me with the MD, especially individual track lenghts and the small amount of RAM.

The only thing I miss is the triggered RAM recording machines, but on the rare occation that I want that, I can whip something up in Max.

Well I went and sold my digitakt to buy a good condition sps1 mk1 plus extra cashola… if I need a sample which I’d only use for vocal hits I’ll get a model samples
MD non-UW rules!!! Plus it’s a weapon in a home invasion…plus I could take it out on its own and do a film score or a dub techno set no problem :slight_smile: book me!


Don’t ever sell the MD, you’ll miss it.

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I dream of MD and MM returning in digi formats (but light grey/steel colour like OGs).

Not holding my breath though.
Elektron doesn’t seem interested in resurrecting but rather re-inventing. That’s actually a great thing imho but I still want an MD and MM though…


More and more I believe that the Machinedrum does exactely those sounds I miss with the other synths I have and I’d have to do with samples. Although I got some great metal trashcan first and second korn album snares with the Syntakt.

Also holy cow 16 tracks multitimbral!?


I hate to exacerbate GAS but after hearing your music on here and owning a MD myself… Yes. :stuck_out_tongue:


Can you share what you hear in the MD that you weren’t able to achieve with the LXR?

My assumption has been that if I ever need to sell my MDUW, I could easily replace it with an OT and a LXR or two.

Physically modelling drums: Kling Klang Klong metallic percussion and to quote myself from above, “first two korn albums snare”

I am able get such sounds on the Syntakt, like

but I always want more :stuck_out_tongue: especially the PI hihats, rides, …

The LXR had nothing I couldn’t get out of the Syntakt, so it had to go.


I think if they were widely available for a decent price, people wouldn’t be so wild about them.

I’ve owned a couple, they’re fantastic and really cool and unique. I sold my UW+ drive version for 1000 and that’s what I think it’s worth. But scarcity/rarity/unobtainable nature of it…I think it’s overhyped.


I love my MDUW, but the price they go for is tempting sometimes (especially when unexpected expenses like furnace repairs pop up). However, I know I would miss it and then wouldn’t be able to buy it back. Objectively, I don’t think they’re worth what they go for, but nothing else is quite the same.

Don’t sell it, I miss mine so much.

Story time.

I took my MD to the harbor in goteborg to Elektrons shop to get new encoders and a +drive installed. That +drive has the new east battery available and all the original +drive batteries were rated for 6 years which is right around now when they’ll start dying from their larger runs. They don’t install + drives anymore.

I sold it for a trip back to Europe, went to Superbooth. Was amazing, but yeah. Don’t sell your MD


This. I sold a Juno-106, Moog MG-1, and some other overpriced “vintage” gear a while back and bought a bunch of Elektron boxes. Best decision ever.

I try not to chase “that” sound. There are 1000x more cool sounds in my digitone than that old Juno, I just have to find them.

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I was really hoping the Syntakt would be like the MD for me, but I want to wait and see if they ever add some kind of sample playback options.

a modern remake of the MD would be a dream though, or finding one used in good condition but yikers that’s some money

The lxr is a great little synth in its own way and very cheap used compared to the MD and even half price compared to the Syntakt
The issue with the lxr vs MD for me isn’t necessarily the sounds which can be similar it’s the size, ease of use, the screen and the 16 vs 6 tracks - I like the MD chunk, the ‘elektron way’ the red screen with both numeric and visual pot detent display, the sumptuous track count, the easy midi…the lxr is excellent tho and is very very good value especially if they implement sample playback in the next firmware update

Oh my…
This is not good for my GAS…
Is it really a “if” or is it confirmed ?

Well I guess I’m the only person then who wants a MD specifically for the sounds it can do that the LXR-02 can’t shrug


Don’t care about sample tracks but I think the Syntakt would really benefit from getting some of the less heralded MD features like choke & multi-trig groups.