Can I send a MIDI event to trigger a fill?

By my read of the manual, there doesn’t appear to be any CC mapped to fill mode, but thought I’d ask here in case I missed something or if someone has a clever hack to do this?

I’m thinking I might want a foot pedal switch to trigger fill mode so I can use my hands for my guitar

I guess I could set this up with a second pattern and use a program change to switch back and forth, but this seems cumbersome and harder to program than the elegance of the fill button.

Welcome to the forum. No midi command for fill as far as I can tell from the manual. From p52:


I’m sure someone discovered a hidden CC not in the manual and talked about it in th M:C tips and tricks thread. Can’t remember what it was though, but it might be worth scanning that.

Thanks for the tip, that’s a great thread! I saw an undocumented CC for changing the machine of a track, but nothing about fill specifically. Maybe I’ll try experimenting with CC messages in case I accidentally stumble across one that does what I want…

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Well, you can try, but none of the Elektron devices supports triggering fill by MIDI and it is a long standing feature request for every device.

I’ll guess your chances are near zero to find something.

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