Can I send and receive MIDI on DN from Grandmother?

I want to use MIDI to connect my Digitone and my Grandmother. Basically, I’m hoping to be able to program parts for the Grandmother on the Digitone, and to also be able to use the Grandmother as a proper keyboard for playing the Digitone. Is it possible to do this with two MIDI cables running from both outs to the respective inputs on both machines? Or will this cause issues going back and forth?

I somewhat remember my Grandmother having issues with this when I had one. The System 8 I had worked fine but not the GM…but maybe that was something I was not doing right as it was just when I started getting into hardware.

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You should be able to do it. To control the DN with the GM should be easy:

  1. Set the Local Control on the GM to off. This will set the keyboard to not directly trigger the GM internally, but will send notes/velocity/mod wheel, etc. through the MIDI out.
  2. Assign the GM MIDI Channel to match your DN’s Autochannel.
  3. Connect the GM’s MIDI Out to the DN’s MIDI In.

Going back, you will want to set up one of the MIDI tracks on the DN:

  1. Select a MIDI Track on the DN, and on the SYN1 Page, hold down FUNC and press Encoder A (for CHAN) and assign it to be the same as the Autochannel. This is because the Moog is set to send and receive MIDI on the same channel…the DN will have no trouble sending MIDI on the same channel as its own Autochannel.
  2. Manage the MIDI Clock Input and Output settings on the Moog. I would guess you may want these to be turned off, especially the Output (probably don’t want the GM clocking the DN). If you want to use the GM’s ARP, you’ll want the GM set up to receive clock and transport. You will also want to have the DN send clock and transport in this case.
  3. Connect the DN’s MIDI Out to the GM’s MIDI In.

Things to note: with this setup you can play the GM through the DN, by having that MIDI track be the active track…but worth knowing the the DN will cut out mod wheel/pitch bend information. You can use the GM’s mod wheel and pitch bend on the DN tracks…but for whatever reason, the Digis cut that data out on MIDI tracks.

Not 100% sure that all this will work as I don’t have a GM, but pretty sure it should. Good luck!


Thanks so much for the detailed info! This is what I needed, as I’m new to hardware MIDI setup. I’ll give this a shot.

This work well?
I have the GM and want a DN, thanks.
And the sound of both sound good together?

I haven’t given it a shot yet to be honest, still figuring out the best way to set everything up for usability