Can I send audio from live to rytm and back?

Trying to figure out how to do this if possible. I make a lot of my loops in live and I would love to send the audio there through the rytm and receive it back into live. I’m having trouble doing this is it even possible and I just can’t figure it out or is it not something I can do?

Hello :slight_smile: I occasionally do this. The audio that comes in via the EXT IN is inserted before the compressor, so if you use the compressor in any way, the external audio will get compressed together with whatever it is you are playing on your Rytm. I took this picture from page 13 in the MK2 manual.

Take any channel in ableton with audio and route it via the Ext. Out option in the mixer (see picture)

Then take two audio cables and connect the output with that sound with the Ext In right next to the Main Out on the Rytm. You might need to amplify the signal or raise the volume of it properly before you can hear anything of it on the rytm.

Edit: bear in mind that you can not use the Rytm effects on whatever it is you are routing out of ableton this way, you need an octatrack for that. If you want to use the Rytm effects you need to render the wavs and transfer them to the Rytm via the Transfer app.


This isn’t actually true. You can route audio to Rytm’s voices and process either a mono channel on one voice or use two voices for a stereo pair (if panned left and right on the respective channels in Rytm). No Overbridge required either. I used to do it with class compliant audio over USB only. In this way, the audio from Live can be sent through the filter, amp, distortion, send FX and master FX.

Let me dig out the audio settings needed from the manual now. BRB…


Here it is, on p63, the bit about Track 1-12:

Note also that you need a trig down on each channel just to trigger the amp for each one.


I was just doing something like this I think, I had set Ableton’s send on the audio channel to rytm/sidechain 1/2 and in overbridge set the side chain 1/2 to the cy/cb pair. It keeps dropping for some odd reason. It will work for like 5 minutes then stop.

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I’m not too sure about Overbridge for this. Like I said, I just used USB Audio instead. Also, remember to place a trig on each channel you want to use and set note length to infinite. Maybe that would help with Overbridge too?

So in theory…i could send audio from a M:C over USB into the Rytm, filter it, add fx using this method?

Also have it play gated sections of loops by only triggering the amp in certain phases of the loop?

I think you need a long trig down on the sequencer for the audio from overbridge to play through the Rytm track.

If you have several short trigs on the sequencer it might only sometimes play

So one could use the Rytm as a summing mixer/master compressor…. Anyone done that?

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Only via a computer.

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Not only does it work as a 4 track stereo summing mixer with all of it’s analog processing available, but the scenes and performances also work and get recorded into the daw as automation via overbridge.

Rytm is untouchable plugged into a computer lol

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Jeebus. It just gets better and better. You got any examples of you doing this?

It was the trigger thing. Though I really have no idea how it was playing without triggers previously. Thanks for the help. And if you would like to use overbridge with it just follow the process I described above.

Edit: never mind. It was going for a second. Exact same settings I’ve been using and literally just stopped playing after a couple loops

Are you hitting double stop on Rytm at any point and expecting to still hear Live? Doing so will stop the trigger’s note if that makes sense. So either hit play on Rytm to get it going again or hit the pad(s) that Live is playing through. Otherwise, if it’s not that, it sounds more like a problem with OB or another setting. I don’t have Rytm anymore so can’t really help you any further. Good luck!

No videos of myself, but here’s what turned me onto it!

ah nice! @saint_stink is great. Hadn’t seen that one, cheers !

Can’t wait to get into the studio and try this

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