Can one change/modulate the root note or osc pitch of an arp over longer time frames?

I know it can be done in some ways, but what I’m trying to do is more specific. What I’m trying to do is quite simple but I can’t figure it out. I’m trying to change the root note or pitch of a 16 step (arp SPD x16) arp sequence every 4 bars, or 64 steps. Or even longer, for example 8 bars or 128 steps.

Just to go back and forth between two different notes.

I tried using an LFO with a square wave. It works in FREE MOD, but then I can’t layer another sound in a different track because the timing can go off. I tried with TRIG MOD, but the arp is triggering it every note so it doesn’t cycle through.

I tried going into the PAGE menu and running the pattern at half 1/2 speed, or 1/4 speed, but it slows the arp spd down.

So I’ve concluded that the longest variation I can have is 2 bars playing one note and 2 bars playing a different note. Then repeating.

I must be missing something no? Thanks in advance for any help.

I haven’t used mine for a while but if the arp settings are part of a sound , couldn’t you use 2x sounds and use trig probabilities?
Sound one has normal route note, sound 2 has the other route note

It would have to be on another trig no? So wouldn’t be in sync, if for example I wanted it to change on note 1 of 64, or the first note of 4 bars.