Can someone with A4 or AR + Windows 10 try an experiment for me?

When I run Overbridge on Windows 10 with Analog Four or Analog Rytm, Overbridge’s display does not show the changing state of the LFO. It works correctly with Digitakt.

I have reported this problem to Elektron, but while I’m waiting for a response, I wonder if someone else out there with one of these devices can try the experiment and tell me if it misbehaves the same way?

What do you mean with “changing state”?

I mean that the part of the display that describes the LFO has a moving cursor that tracks the value of the LFO as it changes. So, for example, with a Digitone, the triangle wave here would have a dot that moves along it while a note is playing to show what the LFO is doing.

Screenshot 2021-12-15 115037

I see. Thx. I don´t think I´ve ever seen this in the Analog Keys and Analog Rytm OB plugins…I´ll check again later, just in case, but I´m pretty sure it´s not a feature with the Analogs.

Then why the waveform display at all? The corresponding display does move with Digitone.

It’s only in DN & DT.

A little experimentation with a Digitakt shows that the waveform display works only sometimes with the Digitakt: In an empty project, it works on come tracks but not others.

Idk to simply show which waveform is selected like on many soft synths?

Visualization of lfos and envs is neat, especially to get sounds to sit perfectly between kicks for example. When you can see exactly when certain envelope stages are reached or how exactly the lfo waveform works in the patch, but we can all do that by ear, so no big deal if it’s not there imho.

As I pointed out in my last note, the waveform display is intermittent with Digitakt.

Also, on Digitakt, there’s a moving display that sweeps along with a sample as it’s being played. Analog Rytm has such a display as well, but the sweeping part of it doesn’t work.

So the more I look, the more I’m convinced that something is broken.

Yeah, I get that. Just wanted to say that even just a simple display of the selected waveform, like on many soft synths is useful.

AK and AR OB plugin shows a vertical line for lfo mode=trig, thought it indicated trig mode, but it kinda looks like it was supposed to move…I have to admit, I don’t use OB very much, but ofc had several versions installed.

Is there a bug report thread here? Only the threads for each version, right?
Edit, just saw you also posted another thread and filed a bug report…

Yes, I have filed a bug report. And I see that I had a similar problem this past summer, for which I also filed a bug report, and which was fixed.

So now we wait. The optimistic part of me imagines that Elektron is about to release new firmware for Analog Four and Analog Rytm to add LFOs and other enhancements along the lines of Digitakt and Digitone; and that this new firmware will come along with a new Overbridge that will fix these problems.

With the new firmware for all the devices and the new 2.0.65 version of Overbridge, the problem is still present. And again, it works for some devices (Digitone) but not others (Analog Rytm MkI).

I renewed my bug report. so far I still have not heard anything back from Elektron, not even on the original bug report.

With the 2.1 Overbridge release (accompanying Syntakt), the problem is still present. Elektron did respond to my original bug report saying that they had reproduced the problem, and that they will fix it in the next Overbridge release; but apparently not.

The problem is still present in 2.1.1.

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