Can we create chain of patterns by midi

I tried without success to send a list of midi PC to select several patterns and build a chain in my Model:Cycles.
I perfectly works ‘by hand’ directly on keyboard.
Is it something possible by midi ?

No, only effectively by sequencing the arrival time of those program change messages externally. Chaining is a kind of temporary song mode light, but strictly by direct device input only

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I can sequence the arrival, but what delay between PCs arrival, any idea ?

I think if you are in the pattern mode, where it plays to the end (sequential) of the pattern, and changes to the next pattern after that, you can press the change command pretty much anywhere in the pattern… so I would think sending it like a quarter bar before end should do the trick?!

Edit: to be clear, I think, you can only send one program change command at a time , then, after the pattern has changed you can send the next and so on…

You can not send a sequence of pc messages at once, I guess, as @avantronica pointed out earlier


I’m trying to think what the simplest way (computer-less) to achieve that might look like. There must be iphone/ipad apps (though I don’t know the names of any) … but aren’t there some programmable midi hubs/hosts too ? Retrokits does a usb/midi host which will (I’m fairly sure) reads ‘midi files’ via USB, but I suspect that means a file of notes, not PCs.

Probably a silly idea … I will most likely stick to what can be done on the M:C itself.

a midi pedalboard which transmits program changes when you step on it (in time) - and a myriad of sequencing options including esoteric ones, but nothing elegant comes to mind (although I have no issue with chains so I’m not looking for anything more)

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I am using a Morningstar MC8 and an iConnectivity MIOXL… no real pb for sending when I need.

No real

problem or

Possibilities? :wink: