Can we get new features if we pay for them?


Is it get new features if we pay for them to fund the programming costs?

I have no.problem to pay for an extra features update that a certain amount of users votes for.

Elektron has never done this before, and it seems wholly improbable that they would change their product roadmap to accommodate occasional requests. I’m sure that they do listen to what is requested in support tickets, but they are only like to do implement requests if they fit in with their own plans.

Imagine how awful a synthesizer designed by committee would be :stuck_out_tongue:

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I imagine a synth version of this…

No physical midi ports? Back to the drawing board!

No physical midi ports? Back to the drawing board![/quote]
Also, it needs to have my favorite Android features, because I’m not willing to appreciate it for what it is, and I am too frustrated by what it isn’t.

Let’s discuss this reasonable …

a typcial change develoment project would consist of but would be not limited to …

  • starting with a suggestion to change hardware/software

now …

  • somebody has to assess costs and ressources for
    – defining the requirements
    – feasability of the requirements
    – engineering cost
    – production cost
    – a reasonable price tag
    – the market
    – the financial potentials and risks
    – strategical impacts

… this already has generated cost without revenue …

  • the assessment has to be presented to and accepted by management
  • there will be a decision about make or not make

… also this has generated cost without revenue …

… hold on …

I don’t want to give anybody a lecture here, but want only to point out that the process is much more complicated and ressource consuming as my short list of bullets. But maybe, this can help to understand, why - sometimes - a company says no to an idea from users that are desirable.

Maybe we can motivate to discuss a kind of kick-starter process together with a company to make improvements for our gear, but then we should be prepared to pay in advance for the work that is required to clarify, whether and how the features could be implemented … :wink:

But we have also to accept, if a company says that there is other important business with higher priority to do :wink:

Would be cool if someone like Hans Zimmer sends a team of programmers to help them finishing the Overbridge project.

Is this not part of the reason that the Octatrack’s OS is (as I understand it) a bit of a mess?

Open to correction - never followed OT development too closely - but didn’t Elektron implement a whole bunch of user suggestions in the past couple of years, leading to a … sub-optimal, overcomplicated user experience for all but the hardcore and persistent bugs?

I imagine a synth version of this…


I guess this one can be locked then too