Can you alter retrig time on a midi track?

is there any way I can alter the retrig time in the microtiming menu like I would on an audio track?

Best you can do is alter the arp timing. Which is approximately the same thing, but not exactly


doesnt quite make senseā€¦ yes you can alter the microtiming of any MIDI trigā€¦ but the retrigger function (or RTRG) is only for audio tracks to begin with

Pretty sure you can alter retrig number in micro timing screen. With up/down I thinkā€¦ so does make senseā€¦


You can, it can also retrig the envelopes unlike the RTRG in Playback.

oh yeh? damn still learning new stuff, crazy

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Been rocking the MIDI retrig on OT MKII all day and oh how I love it. Especially when you set a unique time scale to the track in question, and have fun with trig conditions and micro timing.
Or use a lower velocity on the retrigā€™d MIDI notes, leading into other notes. Great trills and flams. Placing these low velocities retrigs after other notes, itā€™s like a programmed delay.
I love this MIDI sequencer.


Wait, what? You can do this? Is this a feature in the 1.30? Iā€™m still using 1.25, but with this feature and the TRC I might jump on the modern train.

Pretty sure itā€™s always been there, on midi tracks itā€™s in the microtiming menu


jeeblez, had NO idea!! wow, more and more in love with my OT each day, and Iā€™ve had it for some years now hahaha

Trig Counts in microtiming menu were there before 1.25C. I usually use them for audio tracks, and the arp at speed =3 for midi rolls, but maybe I should use them more.
Relative to scale.

You should. :slight_smile:

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yeah, I just tried it out on MIDI, itā€™s a bit more limited compared to retrigs on AR for example, but definetely useful in some cases. I can see how it is totally useful for samples though!! Maybe with an lfo as a one shot envelope for the sample length or something!
And thank you :slight_smile:


As @AdamJay mentioned itā€™s more interesting with TRCs ! Jump on the modern train ! :slight_smile:


Iā€™m using it for Acidlab Drumatix and Miami sample hits in an Ableton Drum Rack.
Instant Adult. ā€œPressure Suitā€ territory.

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So OT actually is capable of midi retrigs? This would be a big plus compared to digitakt.

Trig Counts and Arp can be used for retrigs.

Just to make sure I am getting this right:

You canā€™t alter the timing of MIDI retrigs in the microtiming page;

but instead, you can use the Arpeggiator to create ā€œretrigsā€ and use the arp speed setting to adjust the ā€œretrigā€ timing?

You can. Trig Counts correspond to the number of step divisions/repeats.
2 = 1/32
3 = 1/48
4 = 1/64

With 8 Trig Counts, 8 notes are sent per step, instead of 1.

Yes. Arp is easier to set, can be plocked, modulated by lfosā€¦

IIRC Trig Counts can be faster.


By alter maybe you mean modulate in realtime all Trig Counts values ? Not possible, unless you hold all trigs in a small pattern, and modulate trig counts in Microtiming menuā€¦

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Interesting trick. But no, I just meant ā€˜setā€™ the timing between retrigs, as in your previous post.

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