Can you name the keys when entering external drum sounds?

Hi again,

So im trying to program my drum machine from the DT.

It would be much easier if I could name the notes the drum machine responds too. So instead of having C and A sharp show up on the right of the piano representation when entering notes I could see Snare / Tom / Hat etc.

Anyway to enable this?

Any tips for programming an external drum machine?

There is not.


Notes also come with a number value, which is easier to remember than a tone.
I also find it inconvenient when sequencing drums, so i tend to press trig+yes to hear what that sound is, and copy it to steps that i want, instead of manual input of each one.

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Yes that sounds a better way of doing it. I’ll use your experience and do it that way. Thanks for sharing. I was inputting them all manual.

Still I feel this needs some work. Is there anywhere I can suggest this as a feature on here? I think it would benefit many and hinder none.

I would like my DT to replace my MPC/JJOS. But finding sequencing drums hard work.

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