Can you resample CTRL ALL tweaks?

I’ve tried, so it doesn’t seem possible, but wondered if there was a hack (short of buying a second DT!)

I was able to do FUNC+YES to save my pre-tweak state, then CTRL ALL tweaks and record those tweaks as automation, resample that, and then return to my OG state with FUNC+NO.

But this is not quite what I want to do.

Maybe Overbridge is the only way to record these CTRL+ALL tweaks? (I haven’t tried yet)

Any ideas on how to capture the sonic madness that often transpired when going WAY down the rabbit hole when going HAM on CTRL ALL would be appreciated! :ok_hand::pray:

(Only just realising HOW far sounds can be pushed/stretched/mangled after one particularly wigged out jam last night!) :exploding_head:

…as far as i remember, takts sampling window must be open/active to capture/sample…

therefor, it’s not possible to catch all sorts of realtime ctrl all actions…

Recorder page can be closed before recording. You can arm recording, close Recorder page, press play (recording begins) and mess with CTR ALL…
(Go back to Rec page and press Yes to stop recording.)


No need to be in the sampling page - you can directly sample start/stop from any page with FUNC+|||| (Direct). You can arm it with ||||+YES too.


:+1: Didn’t know.
I tryed Direct but it doesn’t seem the best in that case, if you want record from the beginning, play, add control all and record, etc…

Fun !

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If you just want the audio recorded use overbridge … probably easiest to use the standalone plug-in and not ableton / daw

Even if you do record the audio on device it’ll be limited to 33 seconds and be mono.


So glad to know. Can’t wait to try this tonight!