Cannot find my patterns using Elektron Transfer

Banks 1 and 2 are filled with the factory patterns, so I began creating patterns in banks 3 and 4. I am trying to extract all the patterns ive created in 3 and 4, but elektron transfer is simply not giving me the option. It’s showing that there’s only the factory project and it’s write protected. Not sure why write protection is stopping me from reading, and copying, my patterns, but okay…

Are patterns created in the default/factory project locked forever behind a magical barrier? What gives? Did I just lose the ability to save my patterns?

I’m not 100% sure this will work, but my guess is your best bet is to go to the projects part of settings, and save your current work into an empty slot in the project list. Then you’ll have a new project with all your patterns and the factory ones, that you will be able to back up with transfer.

I suspect you’re right, and that in their current location, in the write protected factory project, the patterns are not truly saved to the project at all, they may just be in the M:Cs working memory. That’s why I suggested saving what you have to a new project slot.

I’ve never tried to do what you’re doing, adding my patterns to the factory project, so by all means take what I’ve said with a pinch of salt, and wait to see what others have to say.

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You can’t really save anything to the default factory project, so that’s why you can’t see your patterns. Your patterns are sort of “kept” in the current project memory and your patterns will be lost when you load another project!

No, just save your project in a different slot as @bibenu already suggested and you’re good to go.

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… that’s exactly what I was concerned about.