Cannot record Midi from DN sequencer into Live

I have set up Overbridge (see screen shot) and I get audio, one track per DN track. But whatever I do I can’t get note data from the DN sequener to appear in Live. I have overbridge set up “No Sync”. I have Live midi set up so that DN is NOT a synced over midi (i.e. leave it all to overbridge).

I select “digitone” as the “midi from” the DN is in OB mode. I’ve watched Dave Mech’s videos. I’ve read some reddits, everything points at the my set up should just work. But it doesn’t. Pretty sure I had this working in the past with other Elektron devices…

Any ideas?

Hi! Don’t know if you have done or not but the first four tracks don’t send midi, you have to send from the Digitone Midi tracks.
Hope this helps you.

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I had no idea that DN did not send midi out. Now I know :man_facepalming:

Thank you! So I can copy my sequencer steps from DN1-4 to the midi sequencer and record them. OK. I have a vague recollection of this in fact. Thank you for the reminder!

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You’re welcome!!!

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