Can't get program change to work from Ableton

I’m trying to use program change messages from ableton to change patterns on my analog keys.

I’m using a midi channel in ableton, sending out program change messages by setting the “bank”, “sub” and “pgm” numbers. This works fine on my other synths to change sounds, but my analog keys doesn’t seem to respond.

On the keys I’ve set it to receive program change messages, and the program change midi channel is set to the same channel as in ableton.

Am I missing anything here?

Have you tried to set the AK to receive the PC on its Autochannel?

Yes, tried setting the auto channel to 1 (the channel I’m sending out with from Ableton), and setting program change channel to auto, no dice.

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In Ableton’s preferences, MIDI tab. I’m wondering if you’ll need ‘Remote’ ticked for this for the A4. Worth a try.

Did you select the proper ‘Input from’ option in the port config? And btw, bank and sub numbers are irrelevant for sending PC messages, only the pgm number should be set from 0 (pattern A1) to 127 (H16).

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Ok ok, don’t really want to admit this. But the problem was that I had named an Ableton midi track “Analog Keys” and I was sending my program change messages to that channel, instead of the real Analog Keys instrument :relieved:

Now everything is working as advertised, thanks for the input :slight_smile: