I’m reaching out to anyone who uses Console and Analog4.
I can’t seem to get the Analog 4 internal effects that I have programmed with the A4 tracks to play in console. I can only hear the tracks coming through dry. I am using an Apollo 8 sending stereo tracks from the Analog 4. Can anyone help please?
I don’t know what “Console” is or how you are using it but if you are trying to monitor the individual audio outputs from the Analog Four then these do not carry the sounds of the Analog Four’s built-in effects. the effects signals only appear at the main outputs
…also can’t make my mind up what kind of console ur referring to…
and yes, if ur using mk2 with dedicated singleouts, all internal fx remain hardwired to the mains…
Console is an UAD virtual mixer which allows user to use UAD plug ins on individual channels for real time processing. I’m baffled why I can’t send the “wet” signal from A4 to the virtual mixer and then add UAD plug ins as inserts onto the tracks coming from A4. All I’m getting is the “dry” track from A4
Anyway I’ll keep on digging.
There is only 1 delay, 1 chorus, 1 reverb in the A4.
The signals from the 4 tracks are summed together (based on the fx send level on each track), and then it goes through the fx. There is no individual track fx audio, so you will not find it.
Either you take the individual outs (dry) and apply external fx to those, or you get the A4 fx mixed together with the tracks on the master/main out.
Only possible way to get an individual track and only its fx (not other track’s fx), is to mute the other 3 tracks, and use the audio coming out of main out.
assuming you’re using the A4 mk2: in the global>routing menu you can disable the 4x tracks from being routed to the main outs, meaning you get wet-only on the main outs and dry-only on the 4x outs. 6 tracks total to input into your Apollo 8. but as @aloud says above, the fx will be from all 4 tracks.