Cant send/receive correct sysex files via C6 ...Kits missing

I am trying to backup patterns and kits via the C6 software

I say the C6 to recieve and then at put that setting in the MD

GLOBAL1> SYSEX SEND> selection/ PAT+KIT and RANGE/A01-H16

Ii press the YES button and then the sysex file starts to download in the C6 after it finishies i save the file .sys and then i empty reset the MD to clean both KITS and PATTERNS

Now i’ll send the file back.

I go to MD GLOBAL1>SYSEX REC> ORIG mode and press YES. The MD says that its waiting and frm the C6 i send the file back the download starts and ala are ok.

When the life received from the MD all the PATTERNS are in place and correct but some KITS the 15% of the total kits number are missing. The same happening to the MnM too.

Any clue?