Capturing All Hardware Input

I’m wondering if it’s possible to access the incoming knob/button/control data of an instrument and forward that to other software via OSC? For example, when you twist a hardware knob, you can see the corresponding value change in Overbridge. I’d like access to that data.

One thing I found is this plugin Livegrabber which sends parameters from Ableton as OSC messages. But, I don’t actually have an Overbridge-capable device yet (insert DT/OB meme here) to test it out. Can anyone confirm that you’re able to attach Overbridge parameters to Livegrabber?

In a perfect world, the hardware device would just be providing an OSC server/port I could listen to, but I’m assuming it’ll be more complicated than that, which is okay. In any case, Overbridge/Ableton IS getting this data somehow and it’d be great to use it for my own custom software shenanigans.


I’m pretty sure you can do this

Try listening with

Thanks elek, that’s a pretty neat app, but it’s pretty much just a MIDI listener right? As far as I know, adjusting knobs for things like the audio track parameters on the Digitakt do not come in as MIDI, otherwise I would have seen them by now. Those values will, I assume, be visible to Overbridge though, so they’re coming in somehow…