


love that elektron village-people kitty <3

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These cats need to social distance a bit better. We must stop the needless cases of yawning…



:laughing: :laughing:

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Times are tough so we made makeshift beds in the office. They took over my colleague’s desk as he’s working from home. Also, My wife upped her White Claw consumption for the cause.


“Yeah right! So you’re gunna put one of them there masks on me, are ya?”

Edit: Identical spot, Identical time, as yesterday! Funny little creatures, they are.


Getting soulful.


@chinchilla What is your camera?
An Iphone ?


Ha! Brilliant!
Ooh, she would not like that! She’s not called Chainsaw for nothing!
Google Pixel.

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Hey guys, anyone using harness in your cats?Do you take them on vacations with you?Got any tips & tricks?

I wish we could bring our cat on our sail boat. Now we have 3 cats, seems difficult!


French expression : Avoir d’autres chats à fouetter (have a bigger fish to fry)

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Yes. We talk her on walks. Vacations, sometimes, if it’s not by air.

Afa tips: I think every cat is going to respond differently. My sisters cat freaks the eff out. Definitely try it out inside first, close to the house…lots of getting acquainted…for everybody.

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I think so. Our older cat follows us every time we go for a walk around the house, meowing more and more if we go too far. The youngers not (yet?).

Fixed :wink:

Yeah ours is older and my sisters is younger. Youngins are nervous wrecks.

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Wait, your cats actually move?

Also, pooping is serious business.
Note the much larger litterbox in the background…

My experience is most cats will adapt to and even like being on a leash. A few tips:

I’d recommend the figure 8 harness as opposed to the H harness though both will work well enough. There is only one buckle on the figure eight so it goes on faster and it tends to stay on better. The round the neck only collar is not good enough usually. Use a very light weight long leash. Practice doing the buckle by yourself without the cat the first time, so you can do it quickly, some cats resist the process – i usually leave the leash attached to the harness to eliminate that step with the cat.

You don’t walk a cat – the cat will walk you. Be prepared to stop and wait one place a long time. Or other times cats will go on long intricate adventures. (Particularly cats that have been outdoor cats.) If the territory is new to them they are likely to go a lot slower. Be prepared to pick up your cat, assuming the cat is pick-uppable, in reaction to things that might freak them out – like the sight of a dog or sometimes for an unlnown reason.

Cats like routines so they might like to go at the same time, or same place, or such. Currently my cat will go to the door when he wants to go out. He also occasionally likes to go out the front door, and walk quickly around to the back door and back in the house. Another cat used to get really happy excited when he saw the leash. I try to give reward after the walk, like perhaps feeding the cat after the walk. Treat time after the walk works too.

As far as trips some cats hate cars, and i’ve never been able to change their minds about it, and others love cars and will look out the window while moving and get very happy. For cats that hate cars a pet carrier that they have been acclimated to gradually over a long time at home will help.

An alternative to all this if you can afford it is a catio – particularly ones attached to the house – catios with a cat door.

ADDED: A Story

My property is adjacent a large cemetery. My cat, Monster, often likes to go up the hill and then go on adventures in the “park”. Sometimes he’ll go the same places and sit atop the same grave stones. Other times he’ll head off on a completely new direction and go great distances of a quarter mile or so. There are particular places he likes to go and just sit. I will spend hours there with him. He has made friends with a ground hog, my cat will sit quietly as the ground-hog will come over. They will sit a few feet from each other and just look, for ten minutes or so. Then the ground-hog will just move on. I’ve never been approached by a ground-hog except when i’m with the cat. It’s happened three times now.

ADDED: I added a story.


Must start them as a kitten. Gets considerably more difficult to leash them as they get older.

I had one that was okay with it. And the other became a corpse and I just dragged him. :slight_smile:


Not my experience at all. I have worked as a cat-sitter/walker. I’ve walked over a dozen different cats. (And i’ve never walked a kitten.) They all have improved their experience. You should NEVER EVER drag a cat on the leash !!! Like i said let the cat walk you, don’t walk the cat. In the worst case, try putting the leash on the cat and just sitting with the cat indoors for a long time, on multiple occasions, with treats after, until they are used to it, let them move and follow their lead. Or just put the harness on them alone for a while. Then after doing that a while put the leash on and just carry the cat outside and waiting with them again. Patience is the key. I’ve never failed. Some cats are just less enthusastic about things.