
This should be deck savers marketing image


Iā€™ve been on holidays for two weeks, cycling with the family in the countryside.
Cats were left with enough food and water for twice the period, and a friend of ours actually came daily to pat the cats and make sure everything was fineā€¦ We even came back for a day between the two weeks, just to check the cats.

So I was really surprised to be left a message from an unknown person saying my wildest cat (Aranis) had been suffering from both hunger and thirst, and was possibly wounded.
A friend and neighbor of hers also sent me a message that ended with threats, like I had abandoned my cats! I was both frightened and a bit angry when I finally managed to find a place with phone networkā€¦

Turned out the old ladies are, well, a bit old.
The first one has 4 cats at home but still gives food to ā€œabandoned catsā€, aka any animal that lives in the surroundings, seagulls included.

Iā€™m back home, both cats are perfectly fine :sweat_smile:
I now have to make the lady understand that feeding wild (or domestic) animals is not a thing to doā€¦


The Roland SH01-A got the most dirt on it, but the tape deck took the blow from the pot falling on it. What a mess. Itā€™s hard to say which cat did it because I woke up to the mess and I didnā€™t hear it happen. Little grey female Lulu came into the bedroom very early and had a LOT to say about something and wouldnā€™t shut up until my wife got up and out of bedā€¦ but Luluā€™s brother was sleeping right next to the plant last night and he is a major fucking klutzā€¦ A combination of vacuum cleaner and compressed air got it looking as good as new, but Iā€™m kinda afraid to open it up. On the one hand because I have Zero experience opening synths up, and on the other Iā€™m afraid at what I will find


Now thatā€™s a Purrito!


Yep! His name is ā€œDogfoodā€ haha. used to be a barn cat. Then chilled on tractor (running away from dogs). Now house cat that takes computer hostageā€¦


Hey guys i have an issue with my cat Bagheeā€¦
Every time my wife and i go to work grabs his favorite toy in his mouth and starts cryingā€¦Sometimes happens even if one of us go to work and the other is at home.Many times he woke me up by bringing his toy inside the bedroom while crying.I have a hunch that maybe heā€™s traumatized when me and my wife left for a 2 day trip although many times during the day my mother in law took care of him.Maybe heā€™s so attached to us because we rescued him when he was 5 days old i donā€™t knowā€¦Any ideas how to handle this?
Thanks :pray:

Here is my new one. Her name is Zulu and sheā€™s a messing machine :joy:
My older cat is not very friendly with her but it will come I hope ā€¦


Nice to meet you. :content:


Do you still have other cats?
We have 3 cats, we moved 2 weeks, they were moaning more when we came back, but nothing particular.

Hmm, interesting. My current cat is a hunter; I took her in as a hungry stray older kitten/young adolescent. She has toys, loves chasing them and has a habit of stashing them together under my bedā€¦ interesting thing is that when she does catch a mouse/rat/vole/bird/frog she brings it in to me but cries while sheā€™s got it in her mouth. I asked a few friends who are owned by cats and the consensus seems to be they cry is a call to let you know theyā€™ve caught prey (lunch).

Come to think of it a friends cat used to carry a manky old toy mouse around in her mouth, crying while she did. She had kittens and two of the four were re homed. My friend couldnā€™t work out if she was using the toy as a surrogate kitten or whether it was part of training the remaining kittens? So might not be that uncommon.

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We have two Siberian cats since a couple of months named Frits (left) and Fred (right). Super sweet and cuddly creatures. And weirdos.


My humble opinion is: donā€™t act like itā€™s a baby youā€™re leaving home.
Cats are manipulative beings, taking advantage of their natural charms to get what they want (which, fortunately, is only eating, sleeping and occupying half on the internet: simple needs).

Yours should get better with time ^^


I only have Baghee in my homeā€¦Itā€™s not a stray cat itā€™s a home catā€¦The other 2 cats live at my mother in lawā€™s backyardā€¦

Brushed for the picture? They look so soft. Beauties.

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Your cat is very different than mineā€¦Baghee lives inside our house since we rescued him when he was 5 days oldā€¦Now heā€™s turning a year old

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Nah Baghee is not an ordinary cat :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Theyā€™re all different, thatā€™s the appeal (to me at least!). Just saying it could be an instinctive thing that some just doā€¦ nature rather than nurture.

Haha yeah they are super soft. Especially Frits.

No we never brush them really. They always look like this because they keep their fur nice and soft themselves. We only have to detangle some parts every now and then by hand.


Wow youā€™re lucky! Some friends whoā€™ve got a Maine Coon Tom cat wage a constant battle with knots and all manner of detritus he manages to roll around in! Manages to find sticky seed pods somewhere and gets them tangled in his coat. Left to his own devices he wonā€™t/canā€™t keep on top of it.

Iā€™m much happier with my Short Haired Heinz 57!

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That indeed sounds like horror haha. Yeah it really varies from cat tocat. Some need more work than others. Helps that these cats are home cats. They donā€™t go outside. Though we are going to make the garden ready so they can go out but not out of the garden.