Challenge of the week : reverse sound engineering of one of my DG sound!

Hello everyone,
A week ago, I improvised a live recording with a friend.
I was playing on the Digitone, using sounds I have created, while she was using a Minilogue.

During the live recording, while I was playing with the parameters to tweak the sounds, I ended up getting a very pleasant bell sound at the start of a drone/pad .
Of course, I didn’t wrote down the parameters change that made that bell sound so clear and nice.
I’ve since spent several hours trying to reproduce this sound from my original unaltered sound, and it’s impossible for me to do so.

I humbly ask for your help as i’m really desperate.

That bell sound should be easily achievable from my “Sweeping Temple” Sound.
But i couldn’t get it back.
If it can help : usually, when i’m playing live, i mostly play with the filter, feedback, mix and operator levels. I’m sure there are some changes to do to the operators enveloppes (especially to Operator A attack/decay) to get that bell sound back at the start of the pad. I can’t say anything more to help.
It has a C5 trig, lenght 128 at the first step of a 64 step sequence.

Here i provide an audio file of the recording and the “Sweeping Temple” sound sysex file : (both are in a .rar file)

On the record, It is (sadly) mixed with 3 other Digitone tracks and the Minilogue playing…But you can here the bell sound at 3, 11 and 19 seconds.

Any help is welcome.
Have a nice evening/day.