Change default dir for Sound Browser

First i’ll say what I did. I bought 9 Native Instruments Maschine Expansion Packs on a deal they had, and I uploaded them onto my Digitakt along with my Battery 4 Hi-Hat/Kick/Snare/Clap and it took nearly 500gb of space on my +Drive, i’m kicking my self in the rear for not wanting the other 9 Expansion Packs NI had part of the deal. All would have packed the +Drive nice and snug. Forgive me for the boast. Anyway, on to the details…

In the sound browser lets say…
A : OBEN has extra file attributes that has a type of sample it is… How can you do this for all of your samples. And yeah, like A : OBEN says it’s a “SYNTH - PAD - TEXTURE” type of sound.

I would love to categorize my Native Instruments samples in this order.

Is it merely metadata that can do this?

Thank you for those who can explain how. :slight_smile: And yeah, change the Sound Browser Directory.

You can add/remove/change tags of a sound (or a group of selected sounds) in the Sound Manager. But you can only use the predefined tags (no way to make own tags).

Check the manual for details.

Update: BTW, tagging is only for sounds, not samples!

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Yes. I want to assign predefined tags to all of my sounds/samples(kick/snare/synth) to be displayed in the Sound Browser. Now that I have all my samples on my +Drive, would I have to transfer them into a specifically titled folder? In order for them all to show up in the Sound Browser.

And where in the manual is there a list of defined tags if you can assign one or more to a sound.

There is no list in the manual that shows what tags are available for sounds.

I would reread the manual regarding sounds/samples. From reading your post, it seems that you haven’t made the distinction between the two and thus advice from board users may start to get confusing.
