I’m wondering whether it is possible to change an individual note in a chord on the Digitone?
For example, I have recorded an A minor (E, A, C) in the sequencer, and then would like to change it to F (F, A, C). Either through a parameter lock, or by pasting the sequence to another pattern and change the chord there?
Is this possible, or do I have to deleted the Am chord and record the F chord anew?
How did you record chords on the Digitone? Was it in Live Record mode? I’ve only had my Digitone fot 2 weeks, so I’m still figuring things out. Thanks.
If you don’t have a keyboard plugged to your Digitone, @pselodux’ suggestion to use “add notes” button while holding the trig is interesting, cause you can reach lower/upper octaves this way.
Don’t forget to hit “Yes” button to make you selection effective.
You don’t need an external keyboard to use chord mode - you use the built in keyboard and press one key to get a minor chord, then change the chord type to major and press one more key to get that chord.
In fact in the OPs example he only needs to set his scale to AEOL and key A (A minor) and get an Amin followed by an Fmaj by pressing key 9 and 14. It’s all there in the chord mode - no need to copy and paste anything.
Tbh, I never used it as I tend to just play chords manually. I thought it just turned single notes into chords and could be changed afterwards (ie. records just single notes, but the “chord mode” stays on for the track).
JSet it to Chromatic then Maj 7 or Min 7 = one finger InstaHaus chord memory like old Roland’s and the like. But recordable.
Set your voice count to 5 or 6 then use the technique you described above to extend the chords and turn your measly 7th Chords into DEEP 9ths and 11ths.
Edit: I think there’s a bug with this approach - when you go back to extend your chords you have to switch chord mode off but it keeps your notes and lets you add more. Go back in for a second edit and it keeps your originally recorded Chord flavour (e.g. Min7) but still honours your extensions - so you have to keep switching it off each time you make further edits. PITA.
Sorry, I dont get it:flushed:
When I have set the track to chord/scale (Add note button), then when I play the Digi keys I get chords, but when in record mode I just get single notes when entered manually!? Please …
In Live Record - hit ️ together - will flash red. You will get chords recorded as you play in the root notes based on the type/scale you selected in chord mode. If you select any scale except chromatic you will get all the chords of the scale. If you select chromatic you can choose from Maj/Min/7/Dim/M7/m7 etc