Changing midi parameters with midi machine

hello everybody

I am trying to control my sdd korg delay with a midi machine, only the program change - PCHG, works fine and changing the effect presets, but i don’t know/understand or missing something how to change this parameters,

| [Dec] | | [Hex] | |
| 00 | DELAY TYPE | 00~07 | TYPE = 00 : SDD3000 |
| | | | TYPE = 01 : ANALOG |
| | | | TYPE = 02 : TAPE |
| | | | TYPE = 03 : MODERN |
| | | | TYPE = 04 : KOSMIC |
| | | | TYPE = 05 : REVERSE |
| | | | TYPE = 06 : PITCH |
| | | | TYPE = 07 : PANNING
I will be very thank full if someone can send me a link please to learn how to read this kind of midi tables, …i also want abuse my dx 21 :slight_smile:

thank you

Hi Kobi,

The fragment of the SDD-3000’s MIDI implementation specification that you posted refers to MIDI System Exclusive (SysEx) messages that the pedal can send and receive. The Machinedrum cannot send SysEx messages to the pedal.

If you read the full manual for the pedal, you will see that the pedal can receive a single MIDI Control Change (CC) message. You will have to check on the pedal which MIDI channel and which CC number the pedal can respond to, and then set up this MIDI channel and CC number in a MIDI machine on the Machinedrum. If you have the Program Change working, then the MIDI channel should already be correct.

You can easily find basic information about MIDI by searching on the web.
You should also find the manual for the DX21, which will likely allow you much more control from the Machinedrum than the Korg pedal will.

Good luck!

Hello Peter

Thank you for your answer.

I think that i missed the fact of single CC message, well, as you advised, I will try.

and yes, back to digging the web about midi :slight_smile:

thanx again

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