Changing patches on external gear within OTMKII

I have a seemingly straightforward issue that I believe should have an equally straightforward solution. I’m currently using a Minilogue XD in conjunction with an Octatrack MKII. I sequence the Minilogue XD using a MIDI track on the Octatrack MKII, and as of now, I change patches by employing what I consider to be a somewhat crude method. This involves double-tapping the SRC button, turning knob C, and clicking down when I reach the patch number I wish to audition or change to.

I’m wondering if there might be an alternative method for changing patches on the Minilogue XD within the Octatrack MKII. Ideally, this method would not involve the current finicky process of turning a seemingly oversensitive knob and trying to click it down accurately when it lands on the desired number. Is there a more efficient, less cumbersome way to accomplish this?

I’m aware that adding another piece of external gear could potentially resolve this issue. However, that’s exactly what I’m trying to avoid. Don’t get me wrong, I have a profound love for gear, but at the pace I’m going, I might need an entirely new room if I acquire anything larger than the size of a pocket operator! So, I’m seeking a solution that works within my current setup without necessitating more equipment.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I’m not by my OT right now, but could you use parts instead?

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I’m pretty sure program changes are enabled by activating the Part.
So if you activate the Part and switch to another pattern with the same part, no program changes are sent.
Program changes are only sent once you activate the Part.

I’m not a 100% about this but I believe that’s how it works.

I think a program change is also sent when the OT ls Play button is started from being completed stopped.

It may do something with a double tap of either the start or stop button, I can’t quite recall.

Not sure If I get the question 100% so parton my ignorance! You can’t parameter lock the program change? Like in ; you need exact manual control over the timing of the change, and you’re not close enough to do it on the synth ?