Changing snapshots


Probably this questions was already asked but can’t find it directly.
I want to change snapshots automatically for example doing a liveset.
But, when changing it to the new snapshot the MD stops playing.
I also can’t find a good answer in the manual, I know when holding FUNCTION + PATT/SONG for a while a menu (change snapshots) appears were you can select the new wanted snapshot that will be loaded.
Once loaded the MD stops with playing.
I have to say that my MD is connected (slave) to the monomachine (master).

That is how it is.


I hope you are kidding me, right?
How can you do a proper liveset than if you constanly have to change bewteen stop & play with the mnm, MD & octatrack?
thank you for the reply.

I am not kidding.

Many people are able to generate a full live set from the MD with its 8 banks of 16 patterns, live tweaking/editing, plus the possibility of using small sections of patterns in song mode.

If you are constantly changing snapshots in order to perform a live set, then there may be unexplored aspects of the instrument that could help you.

What approach to use of patterns are you currently taking with your live set?

Hi Peter,

I know that 1 or 2 snapshots in fact can be more than enough to do a liveset.
I wanted to create a lot of samplebanks & use those into 1 snapshot, but constantly changing samplebanks in 1 snapshot seems not to be amusing for me, thats why I was looking for another solution like changing the snapshots instead.
I know to fill 128 patterns & kits you have plenty but for me it’s limiting because of the 1 offical normal standard samplebank that is associated with it.

when changing some of the samples in 1 samplebank and having 128 pattern it will be catastrophic as the sample will be missing for example.

It’s just a way of proper organizing but for me limited and primitive to work this way. Although my hat off for those who do this just with a few banks, patterns.

You’re right: changing Sample Banks in a set is much less disruptive than changing Snapshots, although changing Sample Banks still requires you to carefully set up Kits.

I guess you do have an OT to help you out if you need lots of samples.

Just work in a break without any drums, maybe some atmospheric washes or ambient non-rhythmic stuff with another synth. Use the time to switch up the Machinedrum…

It is primitive. It’s a fairly old machine. Even the mk2 versions are coming up on being 10 years old. And it seems like it was recognized ever since the UW editions came out that it was very constrained on sample resources.

Regarding changing snapshots - this was a feature that was bolted on later. Machinedrum versions without a +Drive don’t have it at all, so the snapshot and associated samplebank represent what is just directly in the machine. So it’s not surprising that changing a snapshot (equivalent to loading in a whole SysEx dump for a user without a +Drive) cannot be done without interrupting playback.

Plan out your banks, simplify your set, or bake in some breaks/silences. Or if you really need that many samples, you’ll probably need a different machine as you’re hitting a limit on the MD’s architecture.

try organizing your MD pats/kits so they are in easily memorable places. for example put all the patterns that use samples from samplebank 1 in A.01-B.16, from samplebank 2 in C.01-D.16, etc.


Thank you all for the info. Of course there is mostly a solution to everything,
and limitation brings than creativity sometimes.
I own an octatrack & some akai Z8 samplers, I can use those for more complex stuff but in some way the MD for me has more cool editing sampling & be sounding harsh & clean than the octa or my akai’s.
What I found strange is that there are two ways to change the snapshot.

  1. the normal one function +patt/song
  2. same push function + patt/song but holding it longer.
    My ques is that it was meant to be changing the snapshot autmatically but that elektron never finished it.

re: 2. - that is the way it is…it’s a way to quickly access your snapshots.

Be sure to set your settings correctly - there are two variations: one saves the current snapshot before it loads the new one, the other (and default I believe) is that it simply replaces the current snapshot without saving it.

Again, this is only for the snapshot quickload.

You can do a similar thing with samplebanks, if I recall correctliy.

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