Changing sound Kit via midi with ableton

How do I change the sound kit on my MD. Via Midi with ableton live?

Can Ableton Live send SysEx messages? If so, use the SysEx message (with the appropriate kit number) given in Appendix C of the MD manual.

No it can’t by itself. Any other Idea? Thanks

A program-change, can change the current pattern. and thus changing the kit.
my memory says: u cant have empty patterns… so make atleast 1p-lock somewhere.
if you cant make it work…

the other option you got… is that drummapping in the config.
here you tie a midi-note to a pattern… thus you could have
a01 tied to C-2 … a02 tied to D-2 etc etc … it should be bloody easy to send
notes to your machinedrum to trigger whatever pattern/kit you want.

You could even combine this… trigger the right pattern… and send extra midi to fill it up.
as in… make a simple pattern… eq. Kick - Hihat - Snare - hihat … and make that loop.
use your clips in ableton to send midi, to trigger toms or crashes .
1 note to trigger the simple pattern… 1 note to add a crash to beginning.
and add some tom’s after 4 bars…

plenty possibilities to do “whatever”…

I wouldnt even be suprised if you can make something in max4live to send the sysex to change kit… but i got no clue how to explain that one. never work with the stuff…
but memory tells me, m4l can do sysex and nprn’s and all that. (while live cant)

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