Changing the step number repeats the first note when adjusting per track

So this has probably been covered before, but I can’t find my answer to this anywhere for some reason. Not sure how to search for this…

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone can help me do polymeters the right way. Every time i change the steps per track to something like 5, 6, 7 steps or whatever, the first step repeats 2 times and plays the rest so it’s not really the odd timing I wanted. It works when I change the steps for the entire project, though. I do this by pressing Function and Page and then function yes to adjust per track. Also, the overall step for the whole project is 16.

I hope the process is the same for all the boxes because I’m having the same problem on my other elektron gear.

Grateful for your time.


Not certain but I think it’s because your master length is set to 16 so no matter what the entire pattern starts again after 16 steps. Whatever amount of 5,6, etc that can fit into 16 steps will repeat as much.

I think you will have to set this to inf to have the continuous polymeter you are looking for, or the polymeters have to have a common master length as long as your longest scale. Not 100% but fairly certain this is the issue.


Set master length to INF.

Set Chain length to what ever you want, if you want to chain patterns. Note, a setting of INF means, that change will never come.