Channel 16 died

The last channel on my MD mkii+UW quit working today. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar issue. The 16th trig works for placing sounds on other channels but doesn’t sound the 16th channel. It will preview sounds from the edit menu but that’s it. the led only lights up when you’re placing trigs on other tracks. Not a huge issue, but still a bummer. Any help would be great.

Maybe an issue with previous programing.
Try with another file in the drive. You’ll see if it’s hardware problem or OS or prog.

If it can help…

I tried switching kits and patterns. In test mode, all the leds in the top corner worked. I’ll try changing snapshots.

Do you have wooden panels on each side ?

I don’t.

Can’t say i understood everything you wrote. Is it both the leds and sound that doesn’t work? Have you checked your output routing?

I don’t know what the deal was. I turned it on this morning and it triggered a sound once then stopped. And now it seems to work like normal. Hopefully it keeps working.

A few years ago on my MDII+UW, I had a kit with a pad that just stopped working - no sound, even when I could confirm it was registering presses to the track. No idea why, no settings changed, etc.

I had to switch to a new plus slot to resolve and anything I do in that drive slot is missing that track now (I haven’t tried overwriting it as I’ve had plenty of space elsewhere).

Seems to be a software bug, but luckily just limited to software. I contacted Elektron and they didn’t have a fix or an explanation beyond what I had tried.


Just making sure you haven’t muted that track? I’m guilty of doing so on more than one occasion…


Good god. I’m an idiot. It worked when I switched snapshots. Went back and the track was muted.


Ahah good one !!

Just happened to me a few weeks ago. I was completely freaking out because they had just been retired and were sold out everywhere.

And then it was the damn stupid track mute…

and that wasn’t the first time it has happened…

Yeah. I pretty much broke it down to a molecular level, trying everything. I owe you a beer.

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