Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

Thats any digital delay full wet, 1 repeat, time to taste.


I was thinking it could be useful in a lot of ways, like how phasing vinyl works. A Deco pretty much does it already with the knobs just so

Ah, roughly the same as used for Chorus fx. So that’s why I like it set to Unity for guitar and Bass guitar.

I get why the latency is annoying so many “producers”, but it does lend itself perfectly to filling out guitars. So, I hope they don’t change the latency at all. Besides, I’m sampling everything else into the Blackbox at full wet and layering in there; zero lag.

I’m in the UK. Still not had even a shipping notification, or a request for my contact details for customs. Order #316. Anyone in the UK got theirs yet?

Confusingly, if I visit, where I pre-ordered, I get redirected to .com. I’m sure this is a change since they started shipping GL2, or perhapse since they opened up online ordering for the rest of the range. Anyone know the story around this?

(I’m not on Insta or FB or I’d check myself)

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Have had shipping notification. It’s somewhere in the Netherlands at the moment.
I’m 280ish, so you must just be on the next shipping run. I seemed to remember someone saying first shipment for EU was 300?

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I got mine (uk order #64) last friday, from the tracking took 5 days.
They are really responsive if you contact them on the support email, I’m sure they will let you know what’s happening.

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I’m #171 - Mine was shipped about 7 days ago, then went back to CB along with a number of UK packages.

I messaged CB on Saturday and got a reply on Sunday!

Thanks for checking in. We really appreciate your patience and feedback while we get our new model sorted out.

It seems a few UK orders were returned and we aren’t sure why yet. We had some UK orders go out without any problems, so there seems to be an error with DPD. We are looking into this now and I will get back to you as soon as possible with an update.

looks like my parcel cleared NL customs on the 1st… so fingers crossed, not too long now. Will update when I have it

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Literally word for word the same e-mail I got from Tyler when I e-mailed on Friday after my pedal was “successfully” redelivered to the Chase Bliss EU offices.

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Cheers for the replies. I should just have patience.

#489 Here.
DPD? Bloody hell, no wonder.
Bad move on CB’s part. I couldn’t think of two companies more diametrically opposed in values.

I wish companies selling premium products offered the option of a premium delivery too, I’d happily pay more for that peace of mind rather than the roll of the dice that cheap arse DPD offer.


Guessing you might have had a bad experience with DPD…. One of those things I guess, I’ve also had great service with DPD. Think the error was on CB end though, not DPD.

I agree, wish some places would offer a choice of service! Sitting waiting for a DHL right now and wish it had been DPD with the time slot and proper tracking

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I think it’s 500…I ordered from the UK in the first batch and got #489.

Man, I’ve had mostly bad experiences with all of them at that level. It’s all the same bottom of the barrel, corner cutting, treat your employees like shit, business model.

Let us know what happens with yours, other people receiving theirs helps my patience levels stay within limits :upside_down_face:

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DPD is the best in my experience. Who do you feel is better?

Replying to myself… I should really just have had patience. I got my shipping notification this evening!


I sold mine and bought a used hologram microcosm with the money instead which will be here tomorrow. I loved the Gen Loss MK2 and it did what it’s supposed too very well but I found that it was just one of those things I wouldn’t use much or else it would sound too “same” on everything. I have the blooper stability knob, and habits stability modifier and mood clock to get “noise” stuff from, not to mention zoia can do a bit of this type of stuff and my line 6 helix even has an ADT type thing that gives you that old nostalgia sound. Yes none of these were as good as gen loss mk2 on it’s own especially with the convincing hiss and noises and pops and what not, but what I have will do me fine for that style if I need it.



I suspect a lot of people will have similar thoughts in the coming weeks. Hope you like the microcosm!

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Its arrived!


I actually had that experience with microcosm so I sold that :man_shrugging: it was too presetty for my taste and had a few quirks (like post reverb low pass filter (why…) and no HP filter option). Cool sounds though sometimes.

I’m aware gen loss will be a very particular effect but I suspect it’s going to be a flavor I’ll enjoy:).